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Air Transport

Customizable air transport aircraft

Since R2021b


Front view of air transport aircraft.

Air Transport is one of the aircraft that you can use within the 3D simulation environment. This environment is rendered using the Unreal Engine® from Epic Games®. This aircraft is designed to be customized with a user-supplied skeletal mesh. A sample skeletal mesh is provided in Views.

Simulating models in the 3D visualization environment requires Simulink® 3D Animation™.

To add this type of vehicle to the 3D simulation environment:

  1. Add a Simulation 3D Aircraft block to your Simulink model.

  2. In the Block Parameters dialog box, on the Aircraft Parameters tab, set the Type parameter to Air transport.

  3. On the Aircraft Parameters tab, set the Path to air transport mesh parameter to either the sample mesh path or to your own air transport skeletal mesh path. The sample skeletal mesh path is /MathWorksAerospaceContent/Vehicles/Aircraft/AirTransport/Mesh/SK_AirTransport.SK_AirTransport.

  4. Set the Initial translation (in meters) and Initial rotation (in radians) parameters to an array size that matches the Air Transport aircraft, for example, zeros(30,3).

Data for Aircraft Placement

The Air Transport sample mesh origin is near its center of mass, 2.776 meters above the bottoms of the tires. To correctly place the aircraft, consider using these values.

Airport Scene Placement

To place the Air Transport mesh in the Airport scene resting on the pavement or other hard surface, which is at a Z of 1 centimeter, use the following body translation and rotation values.

Body Motion Ports and ParametersValue
Translation port and Initial translation parameter[0, 0, -2.776] + [0, 0, -0.01]
Rotation port and Initial rotation parameter[0, -0.00370, 0]

Altitude Sensor

For the altitude sensor in the Simulation 3D Aircraft block, use these values.

Body Z offset (m)2.7759
Front tire radius (m)0.345
Left tire radius (m)0.562
Right tire radius (m)0.562


These are the unscaled sizes of the air transport aircraft mesh.

Length (m)36.94
Width (wingspan) (m)35.97
Height (m)12.67


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Top-down view of air transport aircraft.

Side view of air transport aircraft.

Front view of air transport aircraft.

Back view of air transport aircraft.

Lights and Skeleton


LightBoneLocation in SK_AirTransport Mesh
Left landingLandingLight_LLeft wing root
Right landingLandingLight_RRight wing root
TaxiNoseGear_LightNose gear strut
Red navigationRedNavLightLeft wingtip
Green navigationGreenNavLightRight wingtip
Left wingtip strobeStrobeLight_LLeft wingtip
Right wingtip strobeStrobeLight_RRight wingtip
Tail strobeStrobeLightTop of vertical stabilizer, pointing aft
Position #1PositionLight1N/A
Position #2PositionLight2N/A
Position #2Beacon #1Top of fuselage
Position #2Beacon #2Bottom of fuselage


  • AirTransport

    • Engine1

    • Engine2

    • Engine3

    • Engine4

    • Aileron_L

    • Aileron_R

    • Flap1_L

    • Flap1_R

    • Flap2_L

    • Flap2_R

    • Spoiler_L

    • Spoiler_R

    • HorizStab

      • HorizStab_Elevator_L

      • HorizStab_Elevator_R

    • Rudder

    • NoseGear

      • NoseGear_Wheel

      • NoseGear_Light

    • NoseGearDoor1

    • NoseGearDoor2

    • MainGear_L

      • MainGear_L_Wheel

      • MainGear_L_Link

    • MainGear_L_Door1

    • MainGear_L_Door2

      • MainGear_L_Door2_2

    • MainGear_R

      • MainGear_R_Wheel

      • MainGear_R_Link

    • MainGear_R_Door1

    • MainGear_R_Door2

      • MainGear_R_Door2_2

    • RedNavLight

    • GreenNavLight

    • StrobeLight_L

    • StrobeLight_R

    • LandingLight_L

    • LandingLight_R

    • BeaconLight1

    • BeaconLight2

    • StrobeLight

    • PositionLight1

    • PositionLight2

Version History

Introduced in R2021b