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Griffiss Airport

Griffiss International Airport in Rome, NY

Since R2022b


The Griffiss Airport scene is a 3D environment of the Griffiss Airport in Rome, New York. The scene is rendered with Unreal Engine®.

Griffiss Airport map scene


This scene is available only in the Aerospace Blockset™ Interface for Unreal Engine Projects support package. After installing this support package, follow these steps to use the scene:

  1. Add a Simulation 3D Scene Configuration block to your Simulink® model.

  2. In the Block Parameters dialog box, set the Scene source parameter to Unreal Editor.

  3. Set the Project parameter to your project file.

  4. Click the Open Unreal Editor button.

  5. In the Unreal® Editor, load the Griffiss Airport map by double-clicking MathWorksAerospaceContent Content > Maps > GriffissAirport.


The Griffiss Airport scene coordinate directions align with positive X pointing North and positive Y pointing East. Blocks in the Aerospace Simulation 3D library require dimensions in meters. For convenience, this section also provides dimensions in feet.

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Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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