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Create an App to Play and Visualize Audio Files

This example shows how to create an app to play and visualize audio files. The app plots any audio file and plays it using audioDeviceWriter. While playing the audio, the app updates a playback cursor, a time status indicator, and a uiaudiometer component to perform sound level metering.

Create App

Create an app in App Designer with the following components:

  • A grid layout manager to lay out the app

  • An edit field with a label and a button to select the audio file

  • An axes to plot the audio waveform

  • An audio meter to perform sound level metering during playback

  • Audio playback buttons to play/pause/stop audio and play audio in a loop

  • A label to display the audio playback time

Add the components listed above and create an app in App Designer.

Browse and Load Audio File

In the callback function for the Browse button, use uigetfile to browse for audio files. If a valid audio file is selected, update the edit field value with the file name and load the audio file data.

function AudioFileBrowseButtonPushed(app, event)
if (exist(app.AudioFileName,'file'))
    currFile = which(app.AudioFileName);
    currFile = app.AudioFileName;
dialogTitle = 'Select Audio File';
audioFilesTitle = 'Audio Files (*.wav,*.flac,*.ogg,*.aif,*.mp3, ...)';
allFilesTitle = 'All Files (*.*)';
audioFileExts = dsp.AudioFileReader.getSupportedFileExtensions();
audioFileFormats = join(strcat('*', audioFileExts(:)),';');
filterSpec = {audioFileFormats{1}, audioFilesTitle; ...
    '*.*', allFilesTitle};
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile(filterSpec,dialogTitle,currFile);
if filename
    app.AudioFileName = fullfile(pathname,filename);
    app.AudioFileEditField.Value = app.AudioFileName;

Plot Audio Waveform

When a valid audio file is selected, read the contents of the audio file using audioread and plot the audio waveform. Alternatively, you could follow the steps in Plot Large Audio Files example to load and plot only the overall envelope of the audio waveform.

function loadAudioFile(app)
% Read audio data from the file and plot its waveform
    [y,fs] = audioread(app.AudioFileName);
    t = seconds(0:1/fs:(size(y,1)-1)/fs);
catch ME
    uialert(app.UIFigure,ME.message,'Invalid File');
% Clear the axes and plot the audio data
ax = app.UIAxes;
ylim(ax,[-1 1]);

Play Audio File

Configure the callback functions of the playback buttons to play/pause audio, stop playing audio, and toggle playing the file in a loop.

In the callback function for the Play button, create an audio stream loop to read and play audio frame-by-frame and to update the UI. Use dsp.AudioFileReader to read an audio frame, audioDeviceWriter to play that audio frame, and audioLevelMeter to compute the sound levels and update the uiaudiometer component. Also, for every audio frame processed, update the playback cursor and the playback status readout.

currPointer = app.AudioFileReadPointer;
while ~isDone(reader) &&  ~(app.StopRequested || app.PauseRequested)
    % Read audio data, play, and update the meter
    audioIn = reader();
    uimeter.Value = levelMeter(audioIn);
    % Increment read pointer and update cursor position
    currPointer = currPointer + size(audioIn,1);
    % Call drawnow to update graphics
    drawnow limitrate
app.AudioFileReadPointer = currPointer;

See Also


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