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AUTOSAR Standard

Simulink® software supports AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR), an open and standardized automotive software architecture consisting of three layers of software: Application, Run-Time Environment (RTE), and Basic Software.

Automobile manufacturers, suppliers, and tool developers jointly develop components of the Application layer. The standard refers to the components as AUTOSAR software components. They interact with the Run-Time Environment layer. The Run-Time Environment layer enables communication between:

  • Components of the Application layer

  • The Basic Software layer and components of the Application layer

The Basic Software layer provides shared common system services that components of the Application layer use.

The AUTOSAR standard addresses:

  • Architecture—A layered software architecture decouples application software from the execution platform. Standard interfaces between AUTOSAR software components and the run-time environment allow reuse or relocation of components within the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) topology of a vehicle.

    The standard defines variations of the software architecture called AUTOSAR platforms: Classic Platform and Adaptive Platform. For more information, see Comparison of AUTOSAR Classic and Adaptive Platforms.

  • Methodology—Configuration description files define system information that ECUs share, system information that is unique to specific ECUs, and basic software information specific to an ECU.

  • Foundation—Requirements and specifications shared between AUTOSAR platforms that support platform interoperability.

  • Application Interfaces—Provide a standardized exchange format by specifying interfaces for typical automotive applications and specifying interfaces between the layers of software.

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