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Concurrency Defects
Defects related to multitasking code
These checkers detect issues related to multitasking code such as data races where multiple tasks operate on an unprotected variable, or locking defects where critical sections are involved in a deadlock. Polyspace can detect thread and critical sections in your code, or you can manually define those in the Polyspace configuration.
Polyspace Results
- Bug Finder Defect Groups
The Bug Finder defect checkers are classified into groups such as data flow, concurrency, numerical, and so on.
- Analyze Multitasking Programs in Polyspace
Detect data races or deadlocks with Bug Finder, or see a comprehensive analysis of shared variable usage with Code Prover.
- Protections for Shared Variables in Multitasking Code
Protect shared variables by using critical section, temporal exclusion, priorities, or interrupt disabling.