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AUTOSAR C++14 Rule A12-8-7

Assignment operators should be declared with the ref-qualifier &

Since R2020b


Rule Definition

Assignment operators should be declared with the ref-qualifier &.


You can use ref-qualifiers to specify whether a function or operator applies to lvalues or rvalues. Functions or operators that apply to lvalues have the ref-qualifier &. Functions and operators that apply on rvalues have the ref-qualifier && at the end of their declaration.

Built-in assignment operators in C++ accept only lvalues as input parameters. If user-defined assignment operators take both rvalue and lvalue as input parameters, it can cause confusion and errors. Consider this code where the user-defined assignment operator for the class obj accepts both rvalues and lvalues as input parameters.

class obj{
	obj& operator=(Obj const&){
		return *this;

int main(){
	int i,j,k;
	obj a,b,c;

	if((i+j)=k) // compilation error
	if((a+b)=c) // silent error

  • In the first if statement, the equal-to operator (==) is written as an assignment operator (=) because of a typographical error. Because the built-in assignment operator for int does not accept rvalues as input, the statement (i+j) = k causes a compilation error.

  • The condition for the second if statement contains a similar error. Because the user-defined assignment operator for class obj accepts both lvalues and rvalues as input, the statement (a+b) = c compiles without error. The if block executes unexpectedly, resulting in a silent bug.

To avoid errors and confusion, specify that assignment operators take only lvalues as input parameters by adding the ref-qualifier & to their declaration.

Polyspace Implementation

Polyspace® flags user-defined assignment, compound assignment, increment, and decrement operators when:

  • They do not have the ref-qualifier & in their declaration.

  • They are member functions of a class.

  • They are not declared as = delete.

Because ref-qualifiers are applicable only to nonstatic member functions, this rule does not apply to nonmember assignment operators.


If you expect a rule violation but Polyspace does not report it, see Diagnose Why Coding Standard Violations Do Not Appear as Expected.


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This example shows how Polyspace flags assignment operators and increment or decrement operators when their declarations do not specify the ref-qualifier &.

class Obj
	Obj() = default;
	Obj& operator=(Obj const&) & = default; //Compliant    
	Obj& operator=(Obj&&) & = default;      //Compliant    
	Obj& operator++() & noexcept;           //Compliant    
	Obj& operator--()  noexcept;            //Noncompliant 
	Obj& operator<<=(Obj const&) noexcept;  //Noncompliant   
	Obj& operator>>=(Obj const&) & noexcept;//Compliant   
	Obj& operator+=(Obj const&)&;           //Compliant
	Obj& operator-=(Obj const&);            //Noncompliant
	Obj& operator*=(Obj const&)= delete;    //Compliant
	Obj& operator+(Obj const&)&;            //Compliant  

Obj& operator|=(Obj& f,const std::int32_t i) // Rule does not apply 
	return f;

Obj& Obj::operator+=(Obj const&) &  // Polyspace flags the declaration 
	return *this;
Obj F1() noexcept
	return Obj{};
int main()
	Obj c;
	//F1() += c; // Compilation Error
	//F1() = c; // Compilation Error
	F1() -= c; // Silent Bug

In main(), the assignment operators +=, -=, and = are used with an rvlaue input. Because the declarations of the operators += and = specify the ref-qualifier &, using these operators with an rvalue input results in a compilation failure. The operator -= is declared without the reference qualifier &. Using this operator with an rvalue input creates a silent bug.

  • Polyspace flags nondeleted member assignment operators, increment operators, and decrement operators that do not specify the ref-qualifier & in their declarations.

  • When a member assignment operator is declared without the reference qualifier & in a class and defined elsewhere, Polyspace flags the declaration.

  • Polyspace does not flag nonmember operators without the ref-qualifier & because this rule applies only to nonstatic member functions.

  • Polyspace does not flag deleted operators because using the ref-qualifier & on a deleted operator has no impact on the code.

Check Information

Group: Special member functions
Category: Advisory, Automated

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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