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AUTOSAR C++14 Rule A7-1-8

A non-type specifier shall be placed before a type specifier in a declaration

Since R2020a


Rule Definition

A non-type specifier shall be placed before a type specifier in a declaration.


Non-type specifiers include:

  • typedef.

  • friend.

  • constexpr.

  • register.

  • static.

  • extern.

  • thread-local.

  • mutable.

  • inline.

  • virtual.

  • explicit.

To make the code more readable, place non-type specifiers before type specifiers in a declaration.

Polyspace Implementation

Polyspace® flags declarations that place non-type specifiers after a type specifier. If more than one non-type specifiers follow a type specifier, Polyspace flags the rightmost non-type specifier.


If you expect a rule violation but Polyspace does not report it, see Diagnose Why Coding Standard Violations Do Not Appear as Expected.


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The following example demonstrate the Polyspace implementation of AUTOSAR rule A7-1-8.

#include <cstdint>

typedef std::int32_t int1;  // Compliant
std::int32_t typedef int2;  // Noncompliant

class to_be_friend
    explicit to_be_friend(int); // Compliant
    static void* foo(void);     // Compliant
    void static* bar(void);     // Noncompliant
    virtual inline void i1(void) {}; // Compliant
    inline void virtual i2(void) {}; // Noncompliant
    constexpr static long long l1 = 0; // Compliant
    long long constexpr static l3 = 0; //Noncompliant

Polyspace flags declarations where you place non-type specifiers after type-specifiers. The declaration of the static object l3 is flagged because the non-type specifiers static and constexpr are placed after the type-specifier long long. The violation is highlighted on the rightmost non-type specifier, which is static.

Check Information

Group: Declaration
Category: Required, Automated

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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