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CWE Rule 297

Improper Validation of Certificate with Host Mismatch

Since R2024a


Rule Description

The product communicates with a host that provides a certificate, but the product does not properly ensure that the certificate is actually associated with that host.

Polyspace Implementation

The rule checker checks for Server certificate common name not checked.


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The issue occurs when you do not check the common name provided in the server certificate against the domain name of the server.

Typically, when a client connects to a server, the server sends a digital certificate to the client that identifies the server as a trusted entity. The certificate contains information about the server, including the common name of the server. The common name matches the server domain name that the certificate identifies as a trusted entity.

The checker raises no defect if:

  • You pass the SSL context as an argument to the function that calls SSL_new.

  • You declare the SSL context outside the scope of the function handling the connection.


A malicious attacker might use a valid certificate to impersonate a trusted host, resulting in the client interacting with an untrusted server.


Use one of these functions to specify the server domain name that the program checks against the common name provided in the server certificate.

  • SSL_set_tlsext_host_name

  • SSL_set1_host

  • SSL_add1_host

Example — Client Checks Server Certificate but not Server Domain Name
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>

#define fatal_error() exit(-1)

void check_certificate(SSL_CTX* ctx, SSL* ssl)
    /* Check for Client authentication error */
    if (!SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl)) {
        printf("SSL Client Authentication error\n");
    /* Check for Client authentication error */
    if (SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) != X509_V_OK) {
        printf("SSL Client Authentication error\n");

void func()
    int ret;
    SSL_CTX* ctx;
    SSL* ssl;

    /* creation context for the SSL protocol */
    ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
    if (ctx == NULL) fatal_error();

    /* Handle connection */
    ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
    check_certificate(ctx, ssl);
    ret = SSL_connect(ssl); //Noncompliant
    if (ret <= 0) fatal_error();


In this example, an SSL structure is initiated with a client connection method. The client validates the server certificate with check_certificate. However, the client does not check that the certificate common name matches the domain name of the server. An attacker might use the valid certificate to impersonate the trusted server.

Correction — Specify a Domain Name to Check Against the Certificate Common Name

One possible correction is to use SSL_set1_host to specify the expected domain name that the program checks against the server certificate common name.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>

#define fatal_error() exit(-1)

void check_certificate(SSL_CTX* ctx, SSL* ssl)
    /* Check for Client authentication error */
    if (!SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl)) {
        printf("SSL Client Authentication error\n");
    /* Check for Client authentication error */
    if (SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) != X509_V_OK) {
        printf("SSL Client Authentication error\n");

void func()
    int ret;
    SSL_CTX* ctx;
    SSL* ssl;

    /* creation context for the SSL protocol */
    ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
    if (ctx == NULL) fatal_error();

    /* Handle connection */
    ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
    check_certificate(ctx, ssl);
    ret = SSL_set1_host(ssl, "");
    if (ret <= 0) fatal_error();
    ret = SSL_connect(ssl);
    if (ret <= 0) fatal_error();


Check Information

Category: Others

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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