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Incorrect use of test fixtures

Test fixture accessed in suite-test setup/teardown, suite-test fixture accessed in suite setup/teardown

Since R2023b


This defect occurs when you incorrectly access a test or suite-test fixture pointer using macros from the Polyspace® Test™ xUnit API outside the scope where it is defined. For instance:

  • You invoke the test fixture accessor macro PST_TEST_FIXTURE_PTR from a suite-test setup or teardown function (that is, a function registered using PST_SUITE_TEST_SETUP or PST_SUITE_TEST_TEARDOWN).

  • You invoke the suite-test fixture accessor macro PST_SUITE_TEST_FIXTURE_PTR from a suite-level setup or teardown function (that is, a function registered using PST_SUITE_SETUP or PST_SUITE_TEARDOWN).

This checker is enabled if you specify the value pstunit for the option Libraries used (-library) or find defects in a test file from the Polyspace Platform (Polyspace Test) user interface. For more information, see Check for Bugs and Run-Time Errors in C/C++ Tests and Functions Under Test (Polyspace Test).


Accessing a test fixture outside the scope where it is defined leads to undefined behavior.


Invoke the correct fixture accessor macro in your setup and teardown functions.

Fixture Accessor MacroSetup and Teardown





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In this example, a fixture is used to reset the value of a global variable gSum to 0 after every test. Since the reset must happen after every test, the function resetGSum that performs the reset is registered using the suite-test macro PST_SUITE_TEST_TEARDOWN. However, the fixture is accessed using a test fixture accessor PST_TEST_FIXTURE_PTR and not a suite-test accessor PST_SUITE_TEST_FIXTURE_PTR.

  • Header with type definitions (named example.h):

    #include <limits.h>
    extern unsigned gSum;
    typedef enum {
        NOT_SATURATED = 0,
        SATURATED = 1
    SUM_STATUS globalSum(unsigned x);
  • Source:

    #include "example.h"
    unsigned gSum;
    SUM_STATUS globalSum(unsigned x) {
        if (x > UINT_MAX - gSum) {
            gSum = UINT_MAX;
            return SATURATED;
        gSum += x;
        return NOT_SATURATED;
  • Tests:

    #include <pstunit.h>
    #include "example.h"
    //Test utilities
    void setGSum (void) {
    void resetGSum (void) {
        unsigned int* currentGSum = (unsigned int*)PST_TEST_FIXTURE_PTR();
        *currentGSum = 0;
    PST_SUITE_CONFIG(gSumTests) {
    PST_TEST_CONFIG(gSumTests, TestCaseOne){
    PST_TEST_BODY(gSumTests, TestCaseOne) {
        unsigned test_data = 1;
        unsigned expected_gSum = 1;
        int  i;
        for(i = 1; i<= 1; i++)    
        PST_VERIFY_EQ_INT_MSG(gSum, expected_gSum, "Issue in nonsaturating sum.");
    PST_TEST_CONFIG(gSumTests, TestCaseTwo){}
    PST_TEST_BODY(gSumTests, TestCaseTwo) {
        unsigned test_data = 1;
        unsigned expected_gSum = 2;
        int i;
        for(i = 1; i<= 2; i++)    
        PST_VERIFY_EQ_INT_MSG(gSum, expected_gSum, "Issue in sum that is just above limit.");
    PST_TEST_CONFIG(gSumTests, TestCaseThree){}
    PST_TEST_BODY(gSumTests, TestCaseThree) {
        unsigned test_data = 1;
        unsigned expected_gSum = 3;
        int i;
        for(i = 1; i<= 3; i++)    
        PST_VERIFY_EQ_INT_MSG(gSum, expected_gSum, "Issue in sum that is well above limit.");
    PST_REGFCN(myRegFcn) {
        PST_ADD_TEST(gSumTests, TestCaseOne);
        PST_ADD_TEST(gSumTests, TestCaseTwo);
        PST_ADD_TEST(gSumTests, TestCaseThree);
    #ifndef PSTEST_BUILD
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        return PST_MAIN(argc, argv);
Correction — Use Suite-Test Fixture Accessor

Invoke the suite-test fixture accessor macro PST_SUITE_TEST_FIXTURE_PTR in a suite-test teardown function. The corrected test file is shown below.

  • Header with type definitions (named example.h):

    #include <limits.h>
    extern unsigned gSum;
    typedef enum {
        NOT_SATURATED = 0,
        SATURATED = 1
    SUM_STATUS globalSum(unsigned x);
  • Source:

    #include "example.h"
    unsigned gSum;
    SUM_STATUS globalSum(unsigned x) {
        if (x > UINT_MAX - gSum) {
            gSum = UINT_MAX;
            return SATURATED;
        gSum += x;
        return NOT_SATURATED;
  • Tests:

    #include <pstunit.h>
    #include "example.h"
    //Test utilities
    void setGSum (void) {
    void resetGSum (void) {
        unsigned int* currentGSum = (unsigned int*)PST_SUITE_TEST_FIXTURE_PTR();
        *currentGSum = 0;
    PST_SUITE_CONFIG(gSumTests) {
    PST_TEST_CONFIG(gSumTests, TestCaseOne){
    PST_TEST_BODY(gSumTests, TestCaseOne) {
        unsigned test_data = 1;
        unsigned expected_gSum = 1;
        int  i;
        for(i = 1; i<= 1; i++)    
        PST_VERIFY_EQ_INT_MSG(gSum, expected_gSum, "Issue in nonsaturating sum.");
    PST_TEST_CONFIG(gSumTests, TestCaseTwo){}
    PST_TEST_BODY(gSumTests, TestCaseTwo) {
        unsigned test_data = 1;
        unsigned expected_gSum = 2;
        int i;
        for(i = 1; i<= 2; i++)    
        PST_VERIFY_EQ_INT_MSG(gSum, expected_gSum, "Issue in sum that is just above limit.");
    PST_TEST_CONFIG(gSumTests, TestCaseThree){}
    PST_TEST_BODY(gSumTests, TestCaseThree) {
        unsigned test_data = 1;
        unsigned expected_gSum = 3;
        int i;
        for(i = 1; i<= 3; i++)    
        PST_VERIFY_EQ_INT_MSG(gSum, expected_gSum, "Issue in sum that is well above limit.");
    PST_REGFCN(myRegFcn) {
        PST_ADD_TEST(gSumTests, TestCaseOne);
        PST_ADD_TEST(gSumTests, TestCaseTwo);
        PST_ADD_TEST(gSumTests, TestCaseThree);
    #ifndef PSTEST_BUILD
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        return PST_MAIN(argc, argv);

Result Information

Group: Libraries Misuse
Language: C | C++
Default: Off
Impact: Medium

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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