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MISRA C:2012 Rule 8.2

Function types shall be in prototype form with named parameters


Rule Definition

Function types shall be in prototype form with named parameters.


The rule requires that you specify names and data types for all the parameters in a declaration. The parameter names provide useful information regarding the function interface. A mismatch between a declaration and definition can indicate a programming error. For instance, you mixed up parameters when defining the function. By insisting on parameter names, the rule allows a code reviewer to detect this mismatch.

Polyspace Implementation

The rule checker shows a violation if the parameters in a function declaration or definition are missing names or data types.

Additional Message in Report

  • Too many arguments to function_name.

  • Too few arguments to function_name.

  • Function types shall be in prototype form with named parameters.


If you expect a rule violation but do not see it, refer to Diagnose Why Coding Standard Violations Do Not Appear as Expected.


expand all

extern int func(int);   /* Non compliant */
extern int func2(int n);   /* Compliant */

extern int func3();   /* Non compliant */
extern int func4(void);   /* Compliant */

In this example, the declarations of func and func3 are noncompliant because the parameters are missing or do not have names.

Check Information

Group: Declarations and Definitions
Category: Required
AGC Category: Required

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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