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MISRA C++:2023 Rule 8.2.4

Casts shall not be performed between a pointer to function and any other type

Since R2024b


Rule Definition

Casts shall not be performed between a pointer to function and any other type.


Undefined behavior can result from converting between a pointer-to-function and these kinds of pointers:

  • Pointer to objects

  • Pointer to objects of incomplete type

  • Pointer to void type (void*)

  • Pointer to functions of incompatible type

To indicate that a functions returned object is discarded, the returned object is cast to void. Casting a returned pointer-to- function to void for this purpose is compliant as an exception to this rule.

This rule does not apply to standard conversions, even if they are performed by using a cast operation. The standard conversions include:

  • Converting a function to a pointer-to-function by implicitly taking the address of the function

  • Converting a pointer-to-noexcept-function to a pointer-to-function

  • Converting from nullptr to a pointer-to-function

  • Converting a pointer-to-function to bool type, for example, within an if condition

  • User-defined conversion, including the conversion from a captureless lambda to a pointer-to-function.

Polyspace Implementation

Polyspace® reports a violation of this rule when these nonstandard conversions are performed:

  • An object that is not a pointer-to-function is cast into a pointer-to-function.

  • A pointer-to-function is cast into an object that is not a pointer-to-function.

  • A pointer-to-function is cast into a pointer-to-function of incompatible type.

  • A pointer to a member of one class is cast to a pointer to a member of another class.


If you expect a rule violation but Polyspace does not report it, see Diagnose Why Coding Standard Violations Do Not Appear as Expected.


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This example shows several casts to and from pointers to functions. The casts in the function standard_conversion() are standard conversions for pointers to functions and this rule does not apply on these casts. In the function nonstandard_conversion():

  • The pointer-to-function that takes an int is converted to a pointer-to-function that takes a char.

  • A hexadecimal integer is converted to a pointer-to-function.

  • A pointer-to-function is converted to a pointer to integer.

These are nonstandard conversions and Polyspace reports violations for these conversions.

#include <cstdint>

using funcptr_int = void (*)(int n);
using funcptr_char = void (*)(char n);
funcptr_int getFP();

void standard_conversions() {
	funcptr_int fp1 = static_cast< funcptr_int >(nullptr);
	if(fp1) {/*...*/}

void castToVoid(void) {
	(void) getFp();              //  Compliant by exception


void nonstandard_conversion() {
	// cast a function pointer to another
	// function pointer of incompatible type
	funcptr_int fp_int;
	funcptr_char fp_char = reinterpret_cast< funcptr_char >(fp_int);   // Noncompliant

	// Cast an object to function pointer
	funcptr_int fp = (funcptr_int) 0x8000;                             // Noncompliant

	// Cast a function pointer to a nonfunction pointer object
	int *ip1 = reinterpret_cast< int * >(fp_int);                      // Noncompliant

In the function castToVoid(), a cast to void is used to indicate that the returned value of getFP(), which is a pointer-to-function, is discarded. This type of cast is compliant with this rule.

Check Information

Group: Expressions
Category: Required

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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