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Number of Local Non-Static Variables

Total number of local variables in function


This metric provides the number of declared local variables in a function.

The metric excludes static variables and temporary variables. To find number of static variables, use the metric Number of Local Static Variables.


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int flag();

int func(int param) {
  int var_1;
  int var_2;
  if (flag()) {
      int var_3;
      int var_4;
    } else {
      int var_5;

In this example, the number of local non-static variables in func is 5. The number does not include the function arguments and return value.

typedef struct myStruct{
   char  arr1[50];
   char  arr2[50];
   int   val;
} myStruct;

void func(void) {
  myStruct var;
  char localArr[50];

In this example, the number of local non-static variables in func is 2: the structured variable var and the array localArr.

class Rectangle {
    int width, height;
    void set (int,int);
    int area (void);
} rect;

int Rectangle::area (void) {
    int temp;
    temp = width * height;

In this example, the number of local non-static variables in Rectangle::area is 1: the variable temp.

Metric Information

Group: Function
HIS Metric: No

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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