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Investigate the Cause of Empty Results List

This topic shows how to interpret an empty results list in the user interface of the Polyspace® desktop products. To see how to interpret a similar empty list in the Polyspace Access™ web interface or the Polyspace Platform user interface, see Investigate the Cause of Empty Results List (Polyspace Access).

When you run an analysis with Polyspace Bug Finder™, the Results List pane can be empty or it can display this message:

Polyspace Bug Finder did not find any defects or coding rule violations in your code.

The message can indicate that your code has no defect or coding rule violation. However, before you reach this conclusion, check the following.

Possible CauseAction to Take
Did all your source files compile?

In the Output Summary pane, look for warning messages that start with:

Failed compilation.
If a file does not compile, Bug Finder can return some results, but only files with no compilation errors are fully analyzed.

Did you include all your source files in your project?In the Project Browser pane, make sure that all the files that you want to analyze are included in the Project Source Files folder.
Did you configure your project correctly?

In the Configuration pane:

  • Under Coding Standards & Code Metrics, verify that you have selected the appropriate options if you want to check Coding Rules and compute Code Metrics.

  • Under Bug Finder Analysis, confirm that you have selected all the defects that you want to check during the analysis.

  • Under Run Settings, see if Use fast analysis mode for Bug Finder is selected. In this mode, Bug Finder checks for only a subset of defects and coding rules.

Are you applying any filters to the results?

In the Results List pane header, make sure that there are no Hidden results in the Showing drop-down list. To clear all applied filters, click Clear active filters.

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