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Storage of Temporary Files During Polyspace Analysis

Polyspace® produces some temporary files when performing an analysis. If your analysis runs slow or you encounter errors such as running out of disk space, check your temporary file location. For more information on possible errors, see:

To determine where to store temporary files, Polyspace looks for these environment variables in the following order:

  • RTE_TMP_DIR: Define this environment variable only if you want to store Polyspace temporary files in a folder different from the standard temporary folders (defined by TMPDIR and such). You can see the current standard temporary folder by using the MATLAB® function tempdir.


    This path must be an absolute path to an existing folder on which the current user has access rights (for reading and writing).


  • TMP

  • TEMP

If one of these variables is defined, Polyspace uses that path for storing temporary files. If these environment variables are not defined, Polyspace stores temporary files in:

  • /tmp on Linux® and Mac

  • Folder specified with the USERPROFILE environment variable, folder returned from GetWindowsDirectoryW Windows® API, or Temp directory on Windows

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