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Link Cloud Account to Cloud Center

What Is Cloud Center?

From Cloud Center, you can create and manage cloud resources in your account at Amazon® Web Services, including:

  • A single machine with MATLAB® installed that you can access from a web browser or a remote desktop application.

  • A MATLAB Parallel Server™ cluster that you can access from any MATLAB.

Don't have a cloud account? Get immediate access to MATLAB in a web browser using MATLAB Online.

MATLAB shown running on monitor and laptop screen.

Link Your Cloud Account to Cloud Center

  1. To access Cloud Center, navigate to the website:

    Sign in using your MathWorks® Account email address and password.

  2. If you have never used Cloud Center before, there is a one-time setup to link your cloud account with Cloud Center.

    In the Welcome to Cloud Center dialog box, click Get Started.

  3. You need to link your cloud account, so that you can use Cloud Center to start and manage resources. In the Authorize Cloud Account dialog box, choose and click an option, either:

    • Follow guided steps (recommended), or

    • Provide access keys, if you have some keys already.


Click the option Follow guided steps. To link your account to Cloud Center, follow the steps on the Manually Create and Import Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Account screen. This grants Cloud Center access to your AWS account, so that you can use Cloud Center to create and manage cloud resources.

It is easier to complete the steps if you position the AWS console and these instructions so they are both visible.

 Follow Guided Steps

 Provide Access Keys

Now you can start cloud resources in Cloud Center. To switch to the cloud resources tab, click Cloud Resources. To get started, see:

For a step-by-step example, you can read this Amazon blog post: How to set up MATLAB parallel cloud computing on AWS.

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