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Potentially unprotected variable

Global variables shared between multiple tasks but not protected from concurrent access by the tasks


A shared unprotected global variable has the following properties:

  • The variable is used in more than one task.

  • Polyspace® determines that at least one operation on the variable is not protected from interruption by operations in other tasks.

In code that is not intended for multitasking, all global variables are non-shared.

In your verification results, these variables are colored orange on the Source, Results List and Variable Access panes. On the Source pane, the coloring is applied to the variable only during declaration.


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#include <limits.h>
int shared_var;

void inc() {

void reset() {
    shared_var = 0;

void task() {
    volatile int randomValue = 0;
    while(randomValue) {

void interrupt() {
    shared_var = INT_MAX;

void interrupt_handler() {
    volatile int randomValue = 0;
    while(randomValue) {

void main() {

In this example, shared_var is an unprotected shared variable if you specify the following multitasking options:

Configure multitasking manually



You do not specify protection mechanisms such as critical sections.

The operation shared_var = INT_MAX can interrupt the other operations on shared_var and cause unpredictable behavior.

If you click the (graph) icon on the Result Details pane, you see the two concurrent tasks (threads).

The first graph shows how the tasks access the variable. For instance, the task interrupt_handler calls a function interrupt that writes to the shared variable shared_var.

The second graph shows how the tasks are created. In this example, both tasks are created after main completes. In other cases, tasks might be created within functions called from main.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE_ARRAY 3

typedef unsigned int uint32;

// Defining three functions of which 
// only one accesses a global variable
uint32 var;

void Write_to_var(void) {

void No_write_read_1(void) {

void No_write_read_2(void) {

// Defining a 3-element array of function pointers 
// that point to the three functions
typedef void (*FuncPtr)(void);
typedef struct {
    FuncPtr pFuncPtr;

const FuncPtrStruct FuncPtrArray[SIZE_ARRAY] =
    { &Write_to_var    },
    { &No_write_read_1 },
    { &No_write_read_2 }

void main() {}

// Defining a function that calls one of the three functions 
// via the function pointer
void function(int uiSignalType) {

// Entry-point functions in void(void) format for Polyspace analysis
// Analyze this example with
// -D POLYSPACE -entry-points task_10ms,task_20ms,task_50ms

void task_10ms(void) {
    int signalType;
    signalType = 0;

void task_20ms(void) {
    int signalType;
    signalType = 1;

void task_50ms(void) {
    int signalType;
    signalType = 2;


In this example, var correctly appears as an non-shared variable if you specify the following options:

Configure multitasking manually




Preprocessor definitions (-D)POLYSPACE

However, the message on the variable shows that it can be potentially written or read by one of the tasks task_10ms, task_20ms, or task_50ms.

Message on variable var shows that it can be accessed by all three tasks.

var is not a shared variable at all since it is accessed only in the task, task_10ms. However, the analysis reports all three tasks as accessing the variable because of an approximation on the line:

FuncPtrArray is an array of function pointers. The pointer at index 0 points to the function Write_to_var, which updates the variable var. The pointers at indices 1 and 2 point to the functions No_write_read_1 and No_write_read_2, which do not access var at all. However, the analysis does not store information on which array access calls which function. Instead, the analysis makes the sound approximation that whatever the index, each array access potentially calls one of the three functions.

As a result of this approximation, the analysis considers that the tasks task_10ms, task_20ms and task_50ms can potentially call each of the functions Write_to_var, No_write_read_1 and No_write_read_2. A different analysis route determines correctly that the variable is not shared.

Code Prover does not detect shared memory regions that do not have a name. Unnamed memory regions can be created by assigning absolute addresses to pointers or dynamically allocating memory. There is no named variable that represents these regions.

For instance, in this example, ptr points to dynamically allocated memory.

#include <stdlib.h>

int* ptr;

void flip() {
   *ptr = 0;

void flop() {
   if (*ptr == 0) {
      *ptr = 1;
void main() {
   ptr = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
Even if you specify that the functions flip() and flop() act as entry points to your application, Code Prover does not show that the memory region pointed to by ptr (or *ptr) can be concurrently accessed.

Check Information

Language: C | C++
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