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Detect Overflows in Buffer Size Computation

If you are computing the size of a buffer from unsigned integers, for the Overflow mode for unsigned integer option, instead of the default value allow, use forbid. Using this option helps you detect an overflow at the buffer computation stage. Otherwise, you might see an error later due to insufficient buffer. This option is available on the Check Behavior node under Code Prover Verification in the Configuration pane.

For this example, save the following C code in a file display.c:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int get_value(void);
void display(unsigned int num_items) {
 int *array;
 array = (int *) malloc(num_items * sizeof(int)); // overflow error
  if (array) {
    for (unsigned int ctr = 0; ctr < num_items; ctr++)     {       
      array[ctr] = get_value();
    for (unsigned int ctr = 0; ctr < num_items; ctr++)     {       
      printf("Value is %d.\n", ctr, array[ctr]);

void main() {

  1. Create a Polyspace® project and add display.c to the project.

  2. On the Configuration pane, select the following options:

    • Target & Compiler: From the Target processor type drop-down list, select a type with 16-bit int such as c167.

    • Check Behavior: From the Overflow mode for unsigned integer drop-down list, select allow.

  3. Run the verification and open the results.

    Polyspace detects an orange Illegally dereferenced pointer error on the line array[ctr] = get_value() and a red Non-terminating loop error on the for loop.

    This error follows from an earlier error. For a 16-bit int, there is an overflow on the computation num_items * sizeof(int). Polyspace does not detect the overflow because it occurs in computation with unsigned integers. Instead Polyspace wraps the result of the computation causing the Illegally dereferenced pointer error later.

  4. From the Overflow mode for unsigned integer drop-down list, select forbid.

  5. Polyspace detects a red Overflow error in the computation num_items * sizeof(int).

See Also

Polyspace Analysis Options

Polyspace Results

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