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Code Generation for Entry-Point Functions in Namespaces

MATLAB® namespaces are folders that can contain class folders, class definition files, function files, and other namespaces. Using a namespace helps you organize code and create more robust names for the items contained inside it. When you generate code for an entry-point function in a namespace, the names and locations of the generated files depend on the namespace. Additionally, the way the code generator maps the namespace to the generated code varies depending on whether you generate C or C++ code.

Generate Code for Entry-Point Function in Namespace

Generate code for an entry-point function in a namespace either by using the MATLAB Coder™ app or at the command line by using the codegen command.

Using the MATLAB Coder app

In the MATLAB Coder app, browse to and select the entry-point function inside the namespace.

When generating code for entry-point functions in namespaces, the MATLAB Coder app does not support:

  • Numeric conversion, including converting floating-point MATLAB code to fixed-point C/C++ code and converting double-precision MATLAB code to single-precision C/C++ code.

  • Automatically defining entry-point input types. You must enter input types directly.

  • The Check for Run-Time Issues step. You must manually generate and execute a trial MEX function at the command line.

  • Code verification using software-in-the-loop (SIL) or processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation. You must manually execute the generated SIL or PIL MEX function at the command line. SIL and PIL verification requires an Embedded Coder® license.

Using the codegen Command

At the command line, pass the entry-point function to the codegen command by using dot notation. For example, to generate code for function myFun in namespace myNamespace, use this command:

codegen myNamespace.myFun

Code generation does not support the codegen options -double2single, -float2fixed, and -singleC for entry-point functions in namespaces.

Names and Locations of Generated Files

This table shows the names and locations of the generated files when you generate code for entry-point function myFun in the namespace myNamespace.

Types of FilesLocationFile Name
Platform-specific MEX fileCurrent foldermyNamespace_myFun_mex
C/C++ source, header, and object files


target can be:

  • mex for MEX functions

  • exe for C/C++ executables

  • lib for C/C++ libraries

  • dll for C/C++ dynamic libraries

Generated file names begin with the name of the namespace. For example:

  • myNamespace_myFun.c

  • myNamespace_myFun.cpp

  • myNamespace_myFun.h

  • myNamespace_myFun.c

  • myNamespace_myFun_data.c

Mapping of MATLAB Namespaces to the Generated Code

Because entry-point functions are stable interfaces to the generated code, the code generator maps entry-point functions in namespaces to the generated code following specific rules that depend on whether you generate C++ or C code.

C++ Code

When you generate C++ code for an entry-point function in a MATLAB namespace, the code generator maps the MATLAB namespace to a C++ namespace by default. For example, consider entry-point function myAdd in namespace myNamespace.

function out = myAdd(a,b)
out = a+b;

Generate C++ code for myNamespace.myAdd at the command line and examine the generated function. The generated function is inside the C++ namespace myNamespace.

namespace myNamespace {
double myAdd(double a, double b)
  return a + b;

You can customize how the code generator maps MATLAB namespaces to C++ namespaces by using code configuration parameters. See Organize Generated C++ Code into Namespaces.

C Code

Because C does not have a name scoping feature, when you generate C code for a MATLAB function in a MATLAB namespace, the name of the generated C function begins with the name of the MATLAB namespace. This naming pattern prevents naming conflicts when you generate code for multiple functions with the same name in different MATLAB namespaces. For example, consider entry-point function myAdd in namespace myNamespace.

function out = myAdd(a,b)
out = a+b;

Generate C code for myNamespace.myAdd at the command line and examine the generated function. The generated function name begins with the name of the MATLAB namespace.

double myNamespace_myAdd(double a, double b)
  return a + b;


Naming Conflicts

When generating C/C++ code for entry-point functions in namespaces, the code generator can rename the entry-point functions to construct the C/C++ function signature. For example, if you generate C code for function myAdd in namespace myNamespace, the generated function name is myNamespace_myAdd. If the names of other functions or C++ classes in the generated code conflict with the renamed entry point, the code generator produces an error similar to one of these:

Entry-point functions 'function1' and 'function2' attempt to use the same generated file name ('namespace_function'). Rename one of the functions.

C++ interface class name must not match an entry-point function name.

To resolve these errors, rename the functions or classes in conflict.

Issues Resolving Filename and Path

If you specify an entry-point function in a namespace by calling the codegen command with the relative path to the entry-point function instead of by using dot notation, the code generator can produce a warning or an error if it is unable to find an entry-point function that matches your specifications. To avoid these errors and warnings, specify entry-point functions in namespaces by using dot notation.

Example: Generate C++ Code for Entry-Point Functions in Namespaces

This example shows how to generate a shared MEX function and standalone C++ code for two functions in two different namespaces. The functions have the same name, but different settings, parameters, and functionality.

Define Functions in Different MATLAB Namespaces

Define the function calculateEnergy in the namespace +classical. This function takes the mass and velocity of an object, in kg and m/s, respectively, and returns the kinetic energy in J.

function out = calculateEnergy(mass,velocity)
out = 0.5*mass*velocity^2;

Define the function calculateEnergy in the namespace +quantum. This function takes the frequency of a photon in Hz and returns quantum energy in J.

function out = calculateEnergy(frequency)
h = 6.62607015e-34; % Planck's constant
out = h*frequency;

Test the functions in MATLAB with sample input values.

ans = 
ans = 

Generate a Shared MEX Function

Generate a shared C MEX function for the two entry-point functions by using the codegen command. Use the -o option to name the shared MEX function energyCalculator. The code generator creates the MEX function energyCalculator in the working directory. To learn more about code generation for multiple entry points, see Generate Code for Multiple Entry-Point Functions.

codegen -o energyCalculator classical.calculateEnergy -args {0,0} quantum.calculateEnergy -args {0}
Code generation successful.

Call the shared MEX function for each entry-point function by using dot notation. Pass the same arguments you used to test the functions in MATLAB.

ans = 
ans = 

Generate C++ Code for Each Entry-Point Function

Generate standalone C++ code for the two entry-point function simultaneously. Use the codegen command with the -lang:c++ option to generate C++. Use the -o option to use energyCalculator as the base name and location of the shared generated files.

codegen -config:lib -lang:c++ -o energyCalculator classical.calculateEnergy -args {0,0} quantum.calculateEnergy -args {0}
Code generation successful.

Examine the generated C++ code. The code generator has created separate standalone C++ functions for the two versions of the calculateEnergy function. Each function is within a C++ namespace that matches the MATLAB namespace.

// File: classical_calculateEnergy.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version            : 24.2
// C/C++ source code generated on  : 22-Jan-2025 23:09:01

// Include Files
#include "classical_calculateEnergy.h"

// Function Definitions
// Arguments    : double mass
//                double velocity
// Return Type  : double
namespace classical {
double calculateEnergy(double mass, double velocity)
  return 0.5 * mass * (velocity * velocity);

} // namespace classical

// File trailer for classical_calculateEnergy.cpp
// [EOF]
// File: quantum_calculateEnergy.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version            : 24.2
// C/C++ source code generated on  : 22-Jan-2025 23:09:01

// Include Files
#include "quantum_calculateEnergy.h"

// Function Definitions
// Arguments    : double frequency
// Return Type  : double
namespace quantum {
double calculateEnergy(double frequency)
  //  Planck's constant
  return 6.62607015E-34 * frequency;

} // namespace quantum

// File trailer for quantum_calculateEnergy.cpp
// [EOF]

See Also

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