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MATLAB Language Features Supported for Automated Fixed-Point Conversion

MATLAB Language Features Supported for Automated Fixed-Point Conversion

Fixed-Point Designer™ supports the following MATLAB® language features in automated fixed-point conversion:

MATLAB Language Features Not Supported for Automated Fixed-Point Conversion

Fixed-Point Designer does not support the following features in automated fixed-point conversion:

  • Anonymous functions

  • Cell arrays

  • String scalars

  • Objects of value classes as entry-point function inputs or outputs

  • Java®

  • Nested functions

  • Recursion

  • Sparse matrices

  • try/catch statements

  • varargin, varargout, or generation of fewer input or output arguments than an entry-point function defines

  • Dot indexing properties of fixed-point data types.

    Avoid using properties of fixed-point types in the code being converted by the Fixed-Point Converter app, and in MATLAB Function blocks being converted by the Fixed-Point Tool.

  • Dynamic field/property references

  • Handle Class Destructors

  • Arguments blocks

  • Property Validation Functions