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Integrate External/Custom Code

This example shows how to integrate external or custom code to enhance performance of generated code. Although MATLAB® Coder™ generates optimized code for most applications, you might have custom code optimized for your specific requirements. For example:

  • You have custom libraries optimized for your target environment.

  • You have custom libraries for functions not supported by MATLAB Coder.

  • You have custom libraries that meet standards set by your company.

In such cases, you can integrate your custom code with the code generated by MATLAB Coder.

This example illustrates how to integrate the function cublasSgemm from the NVIDIA® CUDA® Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (CUBLAS) library in generated code. This function performs matrix multiplication on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).

  1. Define a class ExternalLib_API that derives from the class coder.ExternalDependency. ExternalLib_API defines an interface to the CUBLAS library through the following methods:

    • getDescriptiveName: Returns a descriptive name for ExternalLib_API to be used for error messages.

    • isSupportedContext: Determines if the build context supports the CUBLAS library.

    • updateBuildInfo: Adds header file paths and link files to the build information.

    • GPU_MatrixMultiply: Defines the interface to the CUBLAS library function cublasSgemm.


  2. To perform the matrix multiplication using the interface defined in method GPU_MatrixMultiply and the build information in ExternalLib_API, include the following line in your MATLAB code:

    C= ExternalLib_API.GPU_MatrixMultiply(A,B);

    For instance, you can define a MATLAB function Matrix_Multiply that solely performs this matrix multiplication.

    function C = Matrix_Multiply(A, B) %#codegen
     C= ExternalLib_API.GPU_MatrixMultiply(A,B);
  3. Define a MEX configuration object using coder.config. For using the CUBLAS libraries, set the target language for code generation to C++.

  4. Generate code for Matrix_Multiply using cfg as the configuration object and two 2 X 2 matrices of type single as arguments. Since cublasSgemm supports matrix multiplication for data type float, the corresponding MATLAB matrices must have type single.

    codegen -config cfg Matrix_Multiply ...
                -args {ones(2,'single'),ones(2,'single')}
  5. Test the generated MEX function Matrix_Multiply_mex using two 2 X 2 identity matrices of type single.


    The output is also a 2 X 2 identity matrix.

See Also

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