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Failure to Find MATLAB Runtime Files

If your application generates a diagnostic message indicating that a module cannot be found, it could be that MATLAB® Runtime is not properly located on your path. You fix this problem by ensuring that the MATLAB Runtime files are on your application path.

On a system with MATLAB installed, matlabroot\runtime\arch must be on your system path ahead of any other MATLAB installations.

  • matlabroot is your root MATLAB folder.

  • arch is the architecture of your computer such as win64 for a 64-bit Windows® computer.

On a system with MATLAB Runtime installed, mcr_root\ver\runtime\arch is on your system path.

  • mcr_root is your root MATLAB Runtime folder. ver is the version number of MATLAB Runtime.

  • arch is the architecture of your computer such as win64 for a 64-bit Windows computer.

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