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Integrate Function with Variable Number of Arguments

This example shows you how to create a .NET application using a MATLAB® function that takes a variable number of arguments instead of just one.

In this example, you perform the following steps:

  • Use the MATLAB Compiler SDK™ product to convert the MATLAB function drawgraph to a method of a .NET class (Plotter) and wrap the class in a .NET assembly (VarArgComp). The drawgraph function displays a plot of the input parameters and is called as a method of the Plotter class.

  • Access the component in a C# application (VarArgApp.cs) or a Visual Basic® application (VarArgApp.vb) by instantiating the Plotter class and using MWArray to represent data.

  • Build and run the VarArgDemoApp application using the Visual Studio® .NET development environment.


MATLAB Functionsdrawgraph.m
MATLAB Function Locationmatlabroot\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\Examples\VSVersion\NET\VarArgExample\VarArgComp\
C# Code Locationmatlabroot\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\Examples\VSVersion\NET\VarArgExample\VarArgCSApp\VarArgApp.cs
Visual Basic Code Locationmatlabroot\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\Examples\VSVersion\NET\VarArgExample\VarArgVBApp\VarArgApp.vb


  1. Copy the following folder that ships with the MATLAB product to your work folder:


    At the MATLAB command prompt, navigate to the new VarArgExample\VarArgComp subfolder in your work folder.

  2. Examine the drawgraph and extractcoords functions.

    function [xyCoords] = DrawGraph(colorSpec, varargin)
        numVarArgIn= length(varargin);
        xyCoords= zeros(numVarArgIn, 2);
        for idx = 1:numVarArgIn
            xCoord = varargin{idx}(1);
            yCoord = varargin{idx}(2);
            x(idx) = xCoord;
            y(idx) = yCoord;
            xyCoords(idx,1) = xCoord;
            xyCoords(idx,2) = yCoord;
        xmin = min(0, min(x));
        ymin = min(0, min(y));
        axis([xmin fix(max(x))+3 ymin fix(max(y))+3])
        plot(x, y, 'color', colorSpec);
    function [varargout] = ExtractCoords(coords)
        for idx = 1:nargout
            varargout{idx}= coords(idx,:);

  3. Build the .NET component with the Library Compiler app or using the following information:

    Library NameVarArgComp
    Class NamePlotter
    Files to Compileextractcoords.m   drawgraph.m

    For example, if you are using, type:

    buildResults =["extractcoords.m","drawgraph.m"], ...
    'AssemblyName','VarArgComp', ...

    For more details, see the instructions in Generate .NET Assembly and Build .NET Application.

  4. Decide whether you are using C# or Visual Basic to access the component.

    • C#

      If you are using C#, write source code for a C# application that accesses the component.

      The sample application for this example is in VarArgExample\VarArgCSApp\VarArgApp.cs.


      The following statements are alternative ways to call the drawgraph method:

      data= (MWNumericArray)plotter.drawgraph(colorSpec, 
                      coords[0], coords[1], coords[2],coords[3], coords[4]);
      data= (MWNumericArray)plotter.drawgraph((MWArray)colorSpec, coords);
    • Visual Basic

      If you are using Visual Basic, write source code for a Visual Basic application that accesses the component.

      The sample application for this example is in VarArgExample\VarArgVBApp\VarArgApp.vb.


      The following statements are alternative ways to call the drawgraph method:

      data = CType(plotter.drawgraph(colorSpec, coords(0), coords(1), coords(2), 
             coords(3), coords(4)), MWNumericArray)
      data = CType(plotter.drawgraph(colorSpec, coords), MWNumericArray)

    In either case, the VarArgApp program does the following:

    • Initializes three arrays (colorSpec, data, and coords) using the MWArray class library

    • Creates a Plotter object

    • Calls the extracoords and drawgraph methods

    • Uses MWNumericArray to represent the data needed by the methods

    • Uses a try-catch block to catch and handle any exceptions

  5. Open the .NET project file that corresponds to your application language using Visual Studio.

    • C#

      If you are using C#, the VarArgCSApp folder contains a Visual Studio .NET project file for this example. Open the project in Visual Studio .NET by double-clicking VarArgCSApp.csproj in Windows® Explorer. You can also open it from the desktop by right-clicking VarArgCSApp.csproj and selecting Open Outside MATLAB.

    • Visual Basic

      If you are using Visual Basic, the VarArgVBApp folder contains a Visual Studio .NET project file for this example. Open the project in Visual Studio .NET by double-clicking VarArgVBApp.vbproj in Windows Explorer. You can also open it from the desktop by right-clicking VarArgVBApp.vbproj and selecting Open Outside MATLAB.

  6. Create a reference to your assembly file VarArgComp.dll located in the folder where you generated or installed the assembly.

  7. Create a reference to the MWArray API.

    If MATLAB is installed on your systemmatlabroot\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win64\<framework_version>\MWArray.dll
    If MATLAB Runtime is installed on your system<MATLAB_RUNTIME_INSTALL_DIR>\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win64\<framework_version>\MWArray.dll

  8. Build and run the VarArgApp application in Visual Studio .NET.

    The program displays the following output:

         1     2
         2     4
         3     6
         4     8
         5    10
    A figure that displays the line created by the coordinates {1, 2}, {2, 4}, {3, 6}, {4, 8}, and {5, 10}.

See Also

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