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Package .NET Assemblies from Command Line

You can package .NET assemblies at the MATLAB® prompt or your system prompt using either of these commands.

  • deploytool invokes the Library Compiler app to create a compiler project.

  • mcc invokes the MATLAB Compiler™ to create a deployable application at the command prompt.

Execute Compiler Projects with deploytool

The deploytool command has two flags that invoke one of the compiler apps to package an already existing project without opening a window.

  • -build project_name — Invoke the correct compiler app to build the project but not generate an installer.

  • -package project_name — Invoke the correct compiler app to build the project and generate an installer.

For example, deploytool -package magicsquare generates the binary files defined by the magicsquare project and packages them into an installer that you can distribute to others.

Create .NET Assemblies with mcc

The mcc command invokes MATLAB Compiler to create a .NET assembly at the command prompt and provides fine-level control while packaging the application. It does not package the results in an installer.

The following command defines the complete mcc command syntax with all required and optional arguments used to create a .NET assembly. Brackets indicate optional parts of the syntax.

mcc -W 'dotnet:component_name,class_name, 0.0|framework_version, Private|Encryption_Key_Path,local|remote' file1 [file2...fileN][class{class_name:file1 [,file2,...,fileN]},... [-d output_dir_path] -T link:lib

.NET Bundle

You can simplify the command line used to create .NET assemblies. To do so, use the bundle named dotnet. Using this bundle still requires that you pass in the five parts (including local|remote) of the -W argument text string; however, you do not have to specify the -T option.

The following example creates a .NET assembly called mycomponent containing a single .NET class named myclass with methods foo and bar.

mcc -B 'dotnet:mycomponent,myclass,2.0,
    foo.m bar.m

In this example, the compiler uses the .NET Framework version 2.0 to package the component into a shared assembly using the key file specified in encryption_keyfile_path to sign the shared component.

Creating a .NET Namespace

The following example creates a .NET assembly from two MATLAB files foo.m and bar.m.

mcc -B 
 foo.m bar.m

The example creates a .NET assembly named mycomponent that has the following namespace: mycompany.mygroup. The component contains a single .NET class myclass, which contains methods foo and bar.

To use myclass, place the following statement in your code:

using mycompany.mygroup;

Adding Multiple Classes to an Assembly

The following example creates a .NET assembly that includes more than one class. This example uses the optional class{...} argument to the mcc command.

mcc -B 'dotnet:mycompany.mycomponent,myclass,2.0,Private,local' foo.m bar.m 

The example creates a .NET assembly named mycomponent with two classes:

  • myclass has methods foo and bar

  • myclass2 has methods foo2 and bar2

See NET.isNETSupported to check for a supported version of Microsoft® .NET framework.

Differences Between Compiler Apps and Command Line

You perform the same functions using the compiler apps, a function, or the mcc command-line interface. The interactive menus and dialog boxes used in the compiler apps build mcc commands that are customized to your specification. As such, your MATLAB code is processed the same way as if you were packaging it using mcc.

If you know the commands for the type of application you want to deploy and do not require an installer, it is faster to execute either or mcc than go through the compiler app workflow.

Compiler app advantages include:

  • You can perform related deployment tasks with a single intuitive interface.

  • You can maintain related information in a convenient project file.

  • Your project state persists between sessions.

  • You can load previously stored compiler projects from a prepopulated menu.

  • You can package applications for distribution.

See Also


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