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Options for model order reduction with modal truncation

Since R2023b


This object contains model order reduction options of ordinary (nonsparse) linear time-invariant models, and is contained in the Options property of a ModalTruncation object R created using reducespec. To configure these options, use dot notation, for example, R.Options.ModeOnly = true.

For the full workflow, see Task-Based Model Order Reduction Workflow.


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Flag to only compute modes for the original system sys, specified as a numerical logical 0 (false) or 1 (true).

  • When R.Options.ModeOnly is true, the software computes only the pole locations, damping, and natural frequency of the poles, which correspond to the Mode, Damping, and Frequency properties of R, respectively.

  • When R.Options.ModeOnly is false, the software computes a full modal decomposition and populates all properties of R.

Frequency for evaluating and matching DC contributions, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

For models with integrators, you cannot evaluate modal contributions at DC since the DC gain is infinite. To evaluate modal contributions and match gains at a different frequency, set the property to a positive value. The default value of this property corresponds to the true DC value.

Input scaling factors, specified as a vector of length Nu, where Nu is the number of inputs in the original model sys.

Use this option to emphasize specific input channels in sys. The software evaluates the modal contributions for the scaled system.

This property affects only the normalized DC contribution (R.DCGain). For the input scaling factor Du and output scaling factor Dy, the normalized DC contribution of Gk(s) in continuous time is obtained as


In discrete time, the software uses the first time samples Gk(1) and G(1).

Output scaling factors, specified as a vector of length Ny, where Ny is the number of outputs in the original model sys.

Use this option to emphasize specific output channels in sys. The software evaluates the modal contributions for the scaled system.

This property affects only the normalized DC contribution (R.DCGain). For the input scaling factor Du and output scaling factor Dy, the normalized DC contribution of Gk(s) in continuous time is obtained as


In discrete time, the software uses the first time samples Gk(1) and G(1).

Relative accuracy of modal decomposition, specified as a scalar between 0 and 1.

This option limits the condition number of the block diagonalizing transformation to roughly SepTol/eps. Increasing SepTol helps yield smaller modal components at the expense of accuracy.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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