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Manage DDS Definitions

To manage the DDS aspects of your applications in the Simulink® environment, you can use a section of the Simulink data dictionary that contains DDS properties called the DDS Dictionary. The DDS Dictionary is a graphical interface that enables you to create and edit the DDS Domains, Topics, Data Samples, and Quality of Service (QoS) you need to configure the Publisher, Subscriber, DataReader, and DataWriter aspects of your model. The DDS Dictionary enables you to create and configure the DDS aspects of your application without having to delve into the low-level details of XML or IDL specification.

To create the DDS aspects of your application, open the DDS Dictionary and configure the DDS aspects of your application by working through the graphical interface tabs from left to right:

  1. Create DDS data types. To create a DDS application that sends and receives Data Samples, composed of DDS data types, across the DDS network use the Types tab of the DDS Dictionary. The DDS Blockset supports the DDS data types Struct, Const, and Enum. If you have numerous types, you can organize these types into libraries and modules for easier access to these types during configuration. For each DDS data type in your dictionary, you can edit the data type and its associated Simulink equivalent data type. These Simulink equivalent data types are used in the application logic in the Simulink environment. For more information, see Manage Types.

  2. Create Domains and Topics. After you have created DDS data types to send and receive data, you can use the Domains tab to configure the Domains and Topics so that your application can publish and subscribe to specific categories of data. Domains specify a portion of the DDS network and a Topic specifies a category of data. You can use the DDS Dictionary to create Domains and configure their names, IDs, and Topics. You can also create Topics and configure their names, Registered Types, and QoS. For more information, see Manage Domains.

  3. Create Quality of Service (QoS). Finally, you can use the QoS tab to import and control QoS policies that specify aspects of the data connection for your DDS application. DDS Blockset provides access to your vendor default QoS profile, a built-in QoS profile library, and the ability to import and edit QoS specified in XML. You can use the DDS Dictionary to apply QoS to Topics or you can use the profiles to specify QoS to the Publisher, Subscriber, DataReader, and DataWriter aspects of your application represented within the model workspace. For more information, see Manage QoS.

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