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Deep Learning HDL Single To Int8 Conversion

Convert single-precision data to 8-bit signed integer data

Since R2024b


The Deep Learning HDL Single To Int8 Conversion block converts single-precision data to 8-bit signed integer data. To add the block, at the MATLAB® command line, enter:





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Single-precision input data specified as a scalar or vector.

Data Types: single

Conversion exponent, specified as a scalar. You must connect this input port to a Constant block. The value of the Constant block must be the output of the getSingleToInt8ConversionExponent method.

Data Types: int8

Valid signal, specified as a Boolean scalar.

Data Types: Boolean


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8-bit integer data returned as an int8 data type scalar or vector.

Data Types: int8

Valid signal, returned as a Boolean scalar.

Data Types: Boolean

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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