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Check Signal Attributes

Error when input signal does or does not match selected attributes exactly

  • Check Signal Attributes block

DSP System Toolbox / Signal Management / Signal Attributes


The Check Signal Attributes block terminates the simulation with an error when the input characteristics differ from the characteristics you specify in the block parameters.

The Check Signal Attributes block can test for up to five different signal attributes. When you select Ignore for any parameter, the block does not check the signal for the corresponding attribute. For example, when you set Complexity to Ignore, neither real nor complex inputs cause the block to generate an error.



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Input signal to be checked, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or N-D array. The input can be any real- or complex-valued signal.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated


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Output signal, returned as a scalar, vector, matrix, or N-D array, with the same values as the input signal.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated


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Specify whether the block generates an error when the input does or does not possess all of the required attributes.

When you set this parameter to Does not match attributes exactly, the block generates an error when the input fails to match any of the specified attributes. Only signals that possess all of the specified attributes propagate to the output unaltered and do not cause the block to generate an error.

When you set this parameter to Matches attributes exactly, the block generates an error only when the input possesses all specified attributes. Signals that do not possess all of the specified attributes propagate to the output unaltered, and do not cause the block to generate an error.

Specify the complexity for which you want to check the input as Real or Complex. You can display this information in a model by attaching a Probe (Simulink) block with Probe complex signal selected. Alternatively, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Port Data Type.

When you set this parameter to Ignore, the block does not check the complexity of the input.

Specify whether you want to check the input for compliance or noncompliance with the attributes in the subordinate Dimensions parameter. When you set this parameter to Ignore, the block does not check the dimensionality of the input.

Specify the dimensions for which you want to check the input.

Check the dimensionality of the input for compliance or noncompliance with the attributes in this parameter. See the following table. M and N are positive integers unless otherwise indicated.

DimensionsIs...Is not...


1-D vector,
1-D scalar

M-by-N matrix,
1-by-N matrix (row vector),
M-by-1 matrix (column vector),
1-by-1 matrix (2-D scalar)


M-by-N matrix,
1-by-N matrix (row vector),
M-by-1 matrix (column vector),
1-by-1 matrix (2-D scalar)

1-D vector,
1-D scalar

(1-D or 2-D)

1-D scalar,
1-by-1 matrix (2-D scalar)

1-D vector with length>1,
M-by-N matrix with M>1 and/or N>1

(1-D or 2-D)

1-D vector,
1-D scalar,
1-by-N matrix (row vector),
M-by-1 matrix (column vector),
1-by-1 matrix (2-D scalar)
Vector (1-D or 2-D) or scalar

M-by-N matrix with M>1 and N>1

Row Vector

1-by-N matrix (row vector),
1-by-1 matrix (2-D scalar)
Row vector (2-D) or scalar

1-D vector,
1-D scalar,
M-by-N matrix with M>1

Column Vector

M-by-1 matrix (column vector), 1-by-1 matrix (2-D scalar)
Column vector (2-D) or scalar

1-D vector,
1-D scalar,
M-by-N matrix with N>1

Full matrix

M-by-N matrix with M>1 and N>1

1-D vector,
1-D scalar,
1-by-N matrix (row vector),
M-by-1 matrix (column vector),
1-by-1 matrix (2-D scalar)

Square matrix

M-by-N matrix with M=N,
1-D scalar,
1-by-1 matrix (2-D scalar

M-by-N matrix with MN,
1-D vector,
1-by-N matrix (row vector),
M-by-1 matrix (column vector)

In the Debug tab, when you select Information Overlays > Signal Dimensions, Simulink® displays the size of a 1-D vector signal as an unbracketed integer, and displays the dimension of a 2-D signal as a pair of bracketed integers, [MxN]. Simulink does not display any size information for a 1-D or 2-D scalar signal. You can also display dimension information for a signal in a model by attaching a Probe block with Probe signal dimensions selected.


To enable this parameter, set Dimensionality to Is... or Is not....

Specify whether you want to check the input for compliance Is... or noncompliance Is not... with the attributes in the subordinate General data type parameter. When you set this parameter to Ignore, the block does not check the input data type.

See the following table. You can individually select any of the specific data types listed in the (Is...) column from the subordinate Specific data type parameter.

General Data TypeIs...Is not...



single, double, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, fixed point, enumerated


A user-defined enumerated data type. See Data Types (Simulink).

boolean, single, double, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, fixed point

Floating point

single, double

boolean, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, fixed point, enumerated

Floating point or Boolean

single, double, boolean

uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, fixed point, enumerated

Fixed point

fixed point, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32

boolean, single, double, enumerated


Signed integer
int8, int16, int32
Unsigned integer
uint8, uint16, uint32

boolean, single, double, fixed point, enumerated

To display data type information, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Port Data Type.

Specify the general data type for which you want to check the input.


To enable this parameter, set Data type to Is... or Is not....

Specify the floating-point data type for which you want to check the input.


To enable this parameter, set General data type to Floating-point or Floating-point or boolean.

Specify the fixed-point data type for which you want to check the input.


To enable this parameter, set General data type to Fixed-point.

Specify the integer data type for which you want to check the input.


To enable this parameter, set General data type to Integer.

Specify the sample time for which you want to check the input as Discrete or Continuous. When you set this parameter to Ignore, the block does not check the sample time of the input.

The block checks whether the signal is discrete time or continuous time. In the Debug tab, when you select Information Overlays > Colors, Simulink displays continuous-time signal lines in black or grey and discrete-time signal lines in colors corresponding to the relative rate.

When you attach a Probe block with Probe sample time enabled to a continuous-time signal, the block icon displays Ts:[0 To], where To is the sample time offset. Valid values of To for continuous-time signals are 0 and 1. When To is 0, updates occur at every major and minor time step. When To is 1, updates occur only at major time steps and the sample time is fixed in minor time step.

When you attach a Probe block with Probe sample time enabled to a discrete-time signal, the block icon displays Ts:[Ts To] for sample-based signals, and Tf:[Tf To] for frame-based signals. Ts and Tf are the positive sample period and frame period, respectively. To is the offset, such that 0 ≤ offset < period. Frame-based signals are almost always discrete time.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | double | enumerated | fixed point | integer | single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

| (Simulink) | | (Simulink) | (Simulink) | (Simulink)

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