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Get fault sets in test case

Since R2024a


fs = getFaultSets(tc)
fs = getFaultSets(tc,SimulationIndex=index)


fs = getFaultSets(tc) returns the fault sets in the specified test case. You must have Simulink® Test™ to use this method.

fs = getFaultSets(tc,SimulationIndex=index) returns the fault sets in the equivalence test that has the specified simulation number, index.

Input Arguments

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Test case that you want to get the fault set from, specified as a sltest.testmanager.TestCase (Simulink Test) object.

Equivalence test case simulation number that this fault set applies to, specified as an integer, 1 or 2. You can use this argument only for fault sets in an equivalence test. See Test Two Simulations for Equivalence (Simulink Test).

Output Arguments

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Fault set, returned as a sltest.testmanager.FaultSet object array.


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Suppose you have a test file named myTestFile that has a test suite, test case, and a fault set. Load the test file, get the test suite, get the test case, and then retrieve fault set.

tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile("myTestFile.mldatx");
ts = getTestSuites(tf);
tc = getTestCases(ts);
faultSet = getFaultSets(tc);

Suppose you have a test file named myTestFile that has a test suite, an equivalence test case, and each equivalence test has a fault set. Load the test file, get the test suite, get the test case, and then retrieve the fault set from the first equivalence test.

tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile("myTestFile.mldatx");
ts = getTestSuites(tf);
tc = getTestCases(ts);
faultSet = getFaultSets(tc,SimulationIndex=1);

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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