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Create References in Derived Column Cells

Since R2024b

If you want to access cell values from Safety Analysis Manager spreadsheets and use them in derived column cells, you can create references. You create references from cells in derived columns to other kinds of cells in one or more spreadsheets. For more information on derived columns, see Define Derived Values. After creating the references, you access the data in each cell that contains references by using the in the derived column formula. You can interactively or programmatically create and manage references.

Create Spreadsheet Cell References

To create references:

  1. Open the Safety Analysis Manager. In the Apps tab, in MATLAB® or Simulink®, click Safety Analysis Manager.

  2. Open at least one spreadsheet that contains a derived column, or create a new spreadsheet that contains a derived column and save it.

  3. Select at least one cell that you want to reference. In the Spreadsheet section, click Add Reference > Select for Referencing.

  4. Select at least one cell in a derived column that you want to contain the references. In the Spreadsheet section, click Add Reference > Create Reference to Selection.

After creating the references, you can view the references assigned to each derived column cell by clicking on the cell. In the Properties pane, in the Cell pane, expand the References section to view the references.

The Properties pane is to the right of three cells. The Cursor points to the first cell and has clicked it,. The cell is blue. The pane to the right has the References section expanded. The section shows three references. Above the references is a button with a red X that says Remove All.

Each reference displays the row and column label for each referenced cell. Click the reference to highlight the referenced cell in the spreadsheet.

You can create references to cells in different spreadsheets, or to cells in the same spreadsheet. Each reference displays the spreadsheet that contains the referenced cell.

The References section is expanded. It shows two references. One reference refers to a spreadsheet called qualityChecks.mldatx, and the other refers to a spreadsheet called qualityRanks.mldatx. Above the references is a button with a red X that says Remove All.

Each spreadsheet that contains a referenced cell must be on the file path.

Referenced cells are invariant. For example, if you add rows or columns to the spreadsheet, the referenced continues to refer to the same cell, even though the indexes are different. To move a reference to a new cell, delete the reference and create a new one.

Access Referenced Cell Values in Derived Column Cells

After you create the reference, you can retrieve the referenced cell values in the derived column formula by using the sfa_referencedValues keyword. For each cell in the derived column, the keyword returns the referenced cell values as a cell array in the order listed in the References section. You can reorganize the references in the pane by dragging and dropping each reference. Consequentially, if each cell in the derived column has different reference, the keyword changes value. If the cell does not have references, the keyword returns an empty value.

For example, this column formula assigns each derived column cell value to an ordered list of their referenced cell values.

for index = 1:numel(sfa_referencedValues)
    sfa_derivedValue = sfa_derivedValue + newline + "(" + ...
        num2str(index) + ") " + string(sfa_referencedValues{index});

Programmatically Configure References

You can also configure references programmatically.

To delete an existing reference, use the removeReference function.

Reference Spreadsheet Example

This example shows a spreadsheet that performs a calculation by referencing cells in a different spreadsheet. The spreadsheets are a modified version of the spreadsheet in the Spreadsheet Callback Example. The spreadsheets represent a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) that assesses possible failures in the volume control of a mixing vessel. The FMEA assesses the importance of the failure by calculating the risk priority number (RPN) for each failure mode, its cause, and its likelihood of detection. In this example, the analysis stores the to column that calculates the risk priority number (RPN) into one spreadsheet, and the values used to calculate the RPN in another spreadsheet.

Inspect the Spreadsheets

Open the rpnValues.mldatx and rpnEvaluation.mldatx files to view the spreadsheets.


The rpnEvaluation spreadsheet evaluates the RPN by referencing cells contained in the rpnValues spreadsheet. To view the references in the rpnEvaluation spreadsheet, select a cell in the derived column named RPN and, in the Properties pane, expand the References section.

the rpnEvaluation spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains seven rows and two columns. The column labels, from left to right, are Verified and RPN. The Verified column is a check box column, and the RPN column is a derived column. The first cell in the RPN column is selected. The Properties pane to the right of the columns has the References section expanded. The section lists three references.

Inspect the RPN Calculation

To see how the RPN column calculates the RPN from the values in the rpnValues spreadsheet, view the column formula. In the rpnEvaluation spreadsheet, right-click the derived column label and click Edit Formula. The formula retrieves the values of the referenced cell values by using the sfa_referencedValues keyword. The keyword returns the values as a cell array, and the formula converts the cell array into a numeric array. The formula then checks if each cell in the derived column formula contains at least three referenced values and that each referenced cell value is a number. If those conditions are true, it assigns the product of the referenced cell values to the derived column cell value.

rpnValues = str2double(sfa_referencedValues);

if anynan(rpnValues)
    sfa_derivedValue = "Unable to calculate";
elseif numel(rpnValues) < 3
    sfa_derivedValue = "Unable to calculate";
    sfa_derivedValue = prod(rpnValues(:));

In this example, the fifth and sixth rows in the rpnValues spreadsheet do not contain enough values for the RPN column to calculate values in the fifth and sixth cells. Adding numeric values to the empty cells in the Severity, Failure Probability, and Detection Rating columns automatically updates the RPN column cells.

See Also

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