return = targetreturn(Universe,Window,Offset,Weights)
computes target return values for each
Window of data and given portfolio weights. These values
should match the input target return used with selectreturn.
Universe — Total return data for a group of securities array
Total return data for a group of securities, specified as a number of
observations (NUMOBS) by number of assets plus one
(NASSETS + 1) array. Each row represents an
observation. Column 1 contains MATLAB® serial date numbers. The remaining columns contain the total
return data for each security.
Data Types: double
Window — Number of data periods used to calculate frontier integer
Number of data periods used to calculate frontier, specified as an
Data Types: double
Offset — Number of periods to increment when each frontier is generated integer
Number of periods to increment when each frontier is generated , specified
as an integer.
Data Types: double
Weights — Asset allocation weights needed to obtain the target rate of return matrix
Asset allocation weights needed to obtain the target rate of return,
specified as a number of assets (NASSETS) by number of curves (NCURVES)
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