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Portfolio weight accuracy


return = targetreturn(Universe,Window,Offset,Weights) computes target return values for each Window of data and given portfolio weights. These values should match the input target return used with selectreturn.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Total return data for a group of securities, specified as a number of observations (NUMOBS) by number of assets plus one (NASSETS + 1) array. Each row represents an observation. Column 1 contains MATLAB® serial date numbers. The remaining columns contain the total return data for each security.

Data Types: double

Number of data periods used to calculate frontier, specified as an integer.

Data Types: double

Number of periods to increment when each frontier is generated , specified as an integer.

Data Types: double

Asset allocation weights needed to obtain the target rate of return, specified as a number of assets (NASSETS) by number of curves (NCURVES) matrix.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Target return, returned as a numeric value for each Window of data and given portfolio Weights.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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