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Tracking Scenario Reader

Read tracking scenario and generate simulation data

Since R2021b

  • Tracking Scenario Reader block

Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox / Tracking Scenario and Sensor Models


The Tracking Scenario Reader block reads a trackingScenario object or a Tracking Scenario Designer session file and outputs platform poses and simulation time. You can configure the block to optionally output detections, point clouds, emissions, sensor and emitter configurations, and sensor coverages from the scenario.




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Platform pose information, specified as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The structure has the form:

NumPlatformsNumber of valid platforms, specified as a nonnegative integer.
PlatformsPlatforms, specified as an array of platform pose structures. The first NumPlatforms of these structures are actual platform poses.

The fields of each platform structure is:

PlatformIDUnique platform identifier, specified as a positive integer.
ClassIDPlatform classification identifier, specified as a nonnegative integer

Position of the platform, specified as a 3-element real-valued vector.

  • If the IsEarthCentered property of the scenario is set to false, specify the position as a three element Cartesian state [x, y, z] in meters.

  • If the IsEarthCentered property of the scenario is set to true, specify the position as a three element geodetic state: latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters.

VelocityVelocity of the platform, specified as a 3-element real-valued vector in m/s.
AccelerationAcceleration of the platform, specified as a 3-element real-valued vector in m/s2.
OrientationOrientation of the platform with respect to the local scenario frame, specified as a 3-by-3 rotation matrix.
AngularVelocityAngular velocity of the platform relative to the local scenario frame, specified as a 3-element real-valued vector in degrees per second.

You must pre-define each platform in the scenario before specifying its pose as input. Use this input when you cannot pre-define the platform properties, such as its position, in the scenario. For example, define the platform position in response to positions of other platforms for collision avoidance during the scenario run. Selecting this option disables all block output ports except the default Platforms and Simulation Time output ports.


To enable this port, in the Scenario tab, select the Source of platform pose parameter as Input port.


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Information of platforms in the scenario, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The structure has the form:

NumPlatformsNumber of valid platforms, returned as a nonnegative integer.
PlatformsPlatforms, returned as an array of platform pose structures. The first NumPlatforms of these structures are actual platform poses.

The fields of each platform structure are:

PlatformIDUnique platform identifier, returned as a positive integer.
ClassIDPlatform classification identifier, returned as a nonnegative integer

Position of the platform, returned as a 3-element real-valued vector.

  • If the IsEarthCentered property of the scenario is set to false, the position is returned as a three element Cartesian state [x, y, z] in meters.

  • If the IsEarthCentered property of the scenario is set to true, the position is returned as a three element geodetic state: latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters.

VelocityVelocity of the platform, returned as a 3-element real-valued vector in m/s.
AccelerationAcceleration of the platform, returned as a 3-element real-valued vector in m/s2.
OrientationOrientation of the platform with respect to the local scenario frame, returned as a 3-by-3 rotation matrix.
AngularVelocityAngular velocity of the platform relative to the local scenario frame, returned as a 3-element real-valued vector in degrees per second.

The platform structure also contains these fields if you select the Include profiles information with platforms parameter in the Output Setting tab.


Platform dimensions and origin offset, returned as a structure. The structure contains the Length, Width, Height, and OriginOffset of a cuboid that approximates the dimensions of the platform. The OriginOffset is the position vector from the center of the cuboid to the origin of the platform coordinate frame. For more details, see the Dimensions property of Platform.

MeshMesh of the platform, returned as a structure.

The mesh structure contains these fields:


Number of valid vertices, returned as a positive integer.


Vertices of the platform mesh, returned as an N-by-3 real-valued matrix, where N is the maximum number of vertices among all platform meshes in the scenario. The first, second, and third element of each row represents the x-, y-, and z-position of each vertex, respectively.


Number of valid faces, returned as a positive integer.


Faces of the platform mesh, returned as an M-by-3 matrix of positive integers, where M is the maximum number of faces among all platform meshes in the scenario. The three elements in each row are the vertex IDs of the three vertices forming the triangle face. The ID of the vertex is its corresponding row number specified in the Vertices field.

Current simulation time, returned as a nonnegative scalar in seconds.

Coverage configurations in the scenario, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The structure has the form:

NumConfigurationsNumber of valid coverage configurations, returned as a nonnegative integer.
ConfigurationsCoverage configurations, returned as an array of coverage configuration structures. The first NumConfigurations of these structures are actual coverage configurations.

The fields of each coverage configuration structure are:

IndexUnique sensor or emitter index, returned as a positive integer for sensors and returned as a negative integer for emitters.

The current boresight angles of the sensor or emitter, returned as two-element vector [azimuth; elevation] in degrees if the sensor or emitter scans both in the azimuth and elevation directions. If the sensor only scans only in the azimuth direction, the second element is returned as NaN.

FieldOfViewThe field of view of the sensor or emitter, returned a 2-by-2 real-valued matrix in degrees. If the sensor is a lidar sensor, the first row returns the lower and upper azimuth limits and second row returns the lower and upper elevation limits. For other types of sensors or emitters, the first column contains the azimuth and elevation field of view and the second column is returned as NaN.

The minimum and maximum angles the sensor or emitter can scan from its mounting orientation, returned as 2-by-2 matrix [minAz, maxAz; minEl, maxEl] in degrees if the sensor or emitter scans both in the azimuth and elevation directions. If the sensor only scans only in the azimuth direction, minEl and maxEl are returned as NaN.

RangeThe range of the beam and coverage area of the sensor or emitter, returned as a scalar in meters.
PositionThe origin position of the sensor or emitter, returned as a three-element vector [x, y, z] in meters.
OrientationThe rotation transformation from the scenario frame to the sensor or emitter mounting frame, returned as a rotation matrix.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Coverage parameter.

Detection list, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The structure has the form:

NumDetectionsNumber of detections, returned as a nonnegative integer.
DetectionsObject detections, returned as an array of object detection structures. The first NumDetections of these detections are actual detections.

The fields of each object detection structure are:

TimeMeasurement time, returned as a positive scalar.
MeasurementObject measurements, returned as a real-valued vector.
MeasurementNoiseMeasurement noise covariance matrix, returned as a positive define matrix.
SensorIndexUnique ID of the sensor, returned as a positive integer.
ObjectClassIDObject classification ID, returned as a nonnegative integer.
MeasurementParametersMeasurement parameters, returned as a structure.
ObjectAttributesAdditional information passed to tracker, returned as a structure.

See objectDetection for more detailed explanations of these fields.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Detections parameter.

Sensor configurations in the scenario, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The structure has the form:

NumConfigurationsNumber of valid sensor configurations, returned as a nonnegative integer.
ConfigurationsSensor configurations, returned as an array of coverage configuration structures. The first NumConfigurations of these structures are actual sensor configurations.

The fields of each sensor configuration structure are:

SensorIndexUnique sensor identifier, returned as a positive integer.
IsValidTimeIndicate if the sensor should report at least a detection at the current time, returned as false or true.
IsScanDoneIndicate if the sensor has completed the current scan, returned as false or true.
FieldOfViewThe field of view of the sensor or emitter, returned a 2-by-2 real-valued matrix in degrees. If the sensor is a lidar sensor, the first row returns the lower and upper azimuth limits and second row returns the lower and upper elevation limits. For other types of sensors or emitters, the first column contains the azimuth and elevation field of view and the second column is returned as NaN.

Sensor measurement parameters, returned as an array of structures containing the coordinate frame transforms needed to transform positions and velocities in the scenario frame to the current sensor frame. See the MeasurementParameters property of the objectDetection object for more details.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Sensor parameter.

Radar and sonar emissions in the scenario, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The structure has the form:

NumEmissionsNumber of valid emissions, returned as a nonnegative integer.
EmissionsEmissions, returned as an array of emission structures. The first NumEmissions of these structures are actual emissions.

The fields of each emission structure are:

PlatformIDPlatform identifier, returned as a positive integer.
EmitterIndexEmitter identifier, returned as a positive integer.
OriginPositionLocation of emitter, returned as a 1-by-3 real-valued vector in meters.
OriginVelocityVelocity of emitter, returned as a 1-by-3 real-valued vector in m/s.
OrientationOrientation of emitter with respect to the local scenario frame, returned as a 3-by-3 rotation matrix.

Field of view of the emitter, returned as a two-element vector [azimuth elevation] in degrees.

EIRPEffective isotropic radiated power of the radar emission, returned as a scalar in dB for radar emission and returned as NaN for sonar emission.
RCSCumulative radar cross-section, returned as a scalar in dBsm for radar emission and returned as NaN for sonar emission.
CenterFrequencyCenter frequency of the signal, returned as a positive scalar in Hz.
BandWidthHalf-power bandwidth of the signal, returned as a positive scalar in Hz.
WaveformTypeWaveform type identifier, returned as a nonnegative integer.
ProcessingGainProcessing gain associated with the signal waveform, returned as a scalar in dB.
PropagationRange Total distance over which the signal has propagated, returned as a nonnegative scalar in meters. For direct-path signals, the range is zero.
PropagationRangeRateTotal range rate for the path over which the signal has propagated, returned as a scalar in m/s. For direct-path signals, the range rate is zero.
SourceLevelCumulative source level of an emitted signal, returned as a scalar in dB per micro-pascal for sonar emission and returned as NaN for radar emission. The cumulative source level of the emitted signal in decibels is relative to the intensity of a sound wave having an rms pressure of 1 micro-pascal.
TargetStrengthCumulative target strength of the source platform emitting the signal, returned as a scalar in dB for sonar emission and returned as NaN for radar emission.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Emissions parameter.

Emitter configurations in the scenario, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The structure has the form:

NumConfigurationsNumber of valid emitter configurations, returned as a nonnegative integer.
ConfigurationsEmitter configurations, returned as an array of emitter configuration structures. The first NumConfigurations of these structures are actual emitter configurations.

The fields of each emitter configuration are:

EmitterIndexUnique emitter identifier, returned as a positive integer.
IsValidTimeIndicate the emission status of the sensor, returned as false or true.
IsScanDoneIndicate if the emitter has completed its current scan, returned as false or true.
FieldOfViewThe field of view of the emitter, specified as a two-element vector [azimuth; elevation] in degrees.

Emitter measurement parameters, returned as an array of structures containing the coordinate frame transforms needed to transform positions and velocities in the scenario frame to the current emitter frame. See the MeasurementParameters property of the objectDetection object for more details.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Emitter parameter.

Point clouds, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The structure has the form:

NumPointCloudsNumber of valid point clouds, returned as a nonnegative integer.
PointCloudsPoint clouds, returned as an array point cloud structures. The first NumPointClouds of these point cloud structures represent actual point clouds.

The fields of each point cloud structure are:

NumPointsNumber of valid points in the Points field, returned as a nonnegative integer.
PointsUnorganized points reported from the lidar, returned as an N-by-3 real-valued matrix, where N is the maximum number of points from all lidar sensors in the scenario. The first NumPoints rows represent actual points generated from the lidar.
ClustersCluster labels of points in the Points field, returned as an N-by-2 matrix of nonnegative integers, where N is the maximum number of points from all lidar sensors in the scenario. The first NumPoint rows represent actual cluster labels of the points. For each row of the matrix, the first element represents the PlatformID of the target generating the point whereas the second element represents the ClassID of the target.

See monostaticLidarSensor for more information.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Point clouds parameter.


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Specify the source of tracking scenario as one of these options:

  • trackingScenario — In the Workspace variable name parameter, specify the name of a MATLAB workspace variable that represents a trackingScenario object.

  • Tracking Scenario Designer session file — In the Session file parameter, specify the name of a session file that was saved from the Tracking Scenario Designer app.

Specify the workspace variable name as the name of a trackingScenario object in the MATLAB workspace.

If you change the definition of the tracking scenario, use the Refresh Scenario Data button on the Scenario tab to update the scenario.


To enable this parameter, set the Source of scenario parameter to trackingScenario.

Specify the session file as the name of a session file that was saved from the Tracking Scenario Designer app.

If you change the session file, use the Refresh Scenario Data button on the Scenario tab to update the file.


To enable this parameter, set the Source of scenario parameter to Tracking Scenario Designer session file.

Select the source of platform pose as

  • Scenario — Use the platform poses defined in the scenario that is specified by the Workspace variable name or Session file parameter.

  • Input port — Specify the platform poses by using the Platform poses input port. Select this option when you cannot pre-define the platform properties, such as its position, in the scenario. For example, define the platform position in response to positions of other platforms for collision avoidance during the scenario run. Also, selecting this option disables all block output ports except the default Platforms and Simulation Time output ports.

Specify the sample time of simulation as a positive real scalar in seconds. Inherited and continuous sample times are not supported.

This sample time overrides the sample time defined in the trackignScenario object or the Tracking Scenario Designer app session file. To obtain the same or similar outputs as the scenario source, define this parameter according to the sample time defined in the trackignScenario object or the Tracking Scenario Designer app session file.

Specify coordinate system to report platform poses as

  • Cartesian — Report each platform position as a 3-element Cartesian position coordinates in meters with respect to the scenario frame.

  • Geodetic — Report each platform position as a 3-element geodetic coordinates: latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters. To select this option, you must specify the Source of scenario parameter as trackingScenario and set the IsEarthCentered property of the scenario as true.

Output Settings


Select this parameter include platform profile information, including platform dimension and mesh, in the Platforms output.

Sensors and emitters

Select this parameter to enable the Detections output port.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of platform pose parameter on the Scenario tab as Scenario.

Select this parameter to enable the Point Clouds output port.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of platform pose parameter on the Scenario tab as Scenario.

Select this parameter to enable the Emissions output port.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of platform pose parameter on the Scenario tab as Scenario.

Select this parameter to enable occlusion of signal from platforms in emission propagation.


To enable this parameter, select the Emissions parameter.


Select this parameter to enable the Coverage Configurations output port.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of platform pose parameter on the Scenario tab as Scenario.

Select this parameter to enable the Sensor Configurations output port.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of platform pose parameter on the Scenario tab as Scenario.

Select this parameter to enable the Emitter Configurations output port.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of platform pose parameter on the Scenario tab as Scenario.

Random number generator settings

Select the method to generate random number seed as Repeatable, Not repeatable, or Specify seed. When selected as

  • Repeatable — The blocks uses the same random seed every time.

  • Not repeatable — The blocks uses a different random seed every time.

  • Specify seed — Specify a random seed for the block using the Initial Seed parameter.


To enable this parameter, select the Detections, Point clouds, or Emissions parameter.

Specify the initial seed for randomization in the block as a nonnegative integer.


To enable this parameter, select the Random number generation parameter as Specify seed.

Bus Settings


Specify the source of the name for the platform poses bus returned in the Platforms output port as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block automatically creates a platform poses bus name.

  • Property — Specify the platform poses bus name by using the Specify platform bus name parameter.

Specify the name of the platform pose bus returned in the Platforms output port as a valid bus name.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of platform bus name parameter as Property.

Specify the source of the maximum number of platforms that you can have in the tracking scenario as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block sets the maximum number of platforms to the number of platforms in the tracking scenario.

  • Property — Specify the maximum number of platforms by using the Maximum number of platforms parameter.

Specify the maximum number of platforms as a positive integer.


To enable this parameter, set the Source of maximum number of platforms parameter to Property.


Specify the source of the name for the detection bus returned in the Detections output port as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block automatically creates a detection bus name.

  • Property — Specify the detection bus name by using the Specify detection bus name parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Detections parameter.

Specify the name of the detection bus returned in the Detections output port as a valid bus name.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of detection bus name parameter as Property.

Specify the source of the maximum number of detections that you can generate from the tracking scenario as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block sets the maximum number of detections to the number of generated detections in the tracking scenario.

  • Property — Specify the maximum number of detections by using the Maximum number of detections parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Detections parameter.

Specify the maximum number of detections as a positive integer.


To enable this parameter, set the Source of maximum number of detections parameter to Property.

Point clouds

Specify the source of the name for the point bus returned in the Point Clouds output port as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block automatically creates a point cloud bus name.

  • Property — Specify the point cloud bus name by using the Specify point cloud bus name parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Point clouds parameter.

Specify the name of the point cloud bus returned in the Point Clouds output port as a valid bus name.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of point cloud bus name parameter as Property.

Specify the maximum number of lidar sensors as a positive integer.


To enable this parameter, set the Source of maximum number of lidar sensors parameter to Property.

Specify the source of the maximum number of lidar sensors that you can have in the tracking scenario as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block sets the maximum number of lidar sensors to the number of lidar sensors in the tracking scenario.

  • Property — Specify the maximum number of detections by using the Maximum number of lidar sensors parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Point clouds parameter.


Specify the source of the name for the emission bus returned in the Emissions output port as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block automatically creates an emission bus name.

  • Property — Specify the emission bus name by using the Specify emission bus name parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Emissions parameter.

Specify the name of the emission bus returned in the Emissions output port as a valid bus name.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of emission bus name parameter as Property.

Specify the source of the maximum number of emissions that you can generate from the tracking scenario as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block sets the maximum number of emissions to the number of emissions generated in the tracking scenario.

  • Property — Specify the maximum number of emissions by using the Maximum number of emissions parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Emissions parameter.

Specify the maximum number of emissions as a positive integer.


To enable this parameter, set the Source of maximum number of emissions parameter to Property.


Specify the source of the name for the coverage configuration bus returned in the Coverage Configurations output port as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block automatically creates a coverage configuration bus name.

  • Property — Specify the coverage configuration bus name by using the Specify coverage configuration bus name parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Coverage parameter.

Specify the name of the coverage configuration bus returned in the Coverage Configurations output port as a valid bus name.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of coverage configuration bus name parameter as Property.

Specify the source of the name for the sensor configuration bus returned in the Sensor Configurations output port as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block automatically creates a sensor configuration bus name.

  • Property — Specify the sensor configuration bus name by using the Specify sensor configuration bus name parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Sensor parameter.

Specify the name of the sensor configuration bus returned in the Sensor Configurations output port as a valid bus name.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of sensor configuration bus name parameter as Property.

Specify the source of the name for the emitter configuration bus returned in the Emitter Configurations output port as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block automatically creates an emitter configuration bus name.

  • Property — Specify the emitter configuration bus name by using the Specify emitter configuration bus name parameter.

Specify the name of the emitter configuration bus returned in the Emitter Configurations output port as a valid bus name.


To enable this parameter, select the Source of emitter configuration bus name parameter as Property.

Specify the source of the maximum number of sensors that you can have in the tracking scenario as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block sets the maximum number of emissions to the number of sensors in the tracking scenario.

  • Property — Specify the maximum number of sensors by using the Maximum number of sensors parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Coverage or Sensor parameter.

Specify the maximum number of sensors as a positive integer.


To enable this parameter, set the Source of maximum number of sensors parameter to Property.

Specify the source of the maximum number of emitters that you can have in the tracking scenario as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block sets the maximum number of emitters to the number of emitters in the tracking scenario.

  • Property — Specify the maximum number of emitters by using the Maximum number of emitters parameter.


To enable this port, in the Output Settings tab, select the Emitter or Sensor parameter.

Specify the maximum number of emitters as a positive integer.


To enable this parameter, set the Source of maximum number of emitters parameter to Property.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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