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Capture Audio Signal from Intel FPGA Board Using FPGA Data Capture

This example shows how to use FPGA data capture with existing HDL code to read FPGA internal signals. Start with an existing FPGA design that implements an on-chip analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to sample an audio signal. The ADC IP exposes an Avalon® memory-mapped (MM) slave interface for control and an Avalon streaming interface for data output. This FPGA design already contains a Avalon MM master to start the ADC. Use the FPGA data capture feature to collect the ADC output data from the Avalon streaming interface into the MATLAB® workspace.

Requirements and Prerequisites

Set Up FPGA Development Board

1. Confirm that the power switch is off.

2. Connect the JTAG download cable between the FPGA development board and the host computer.

3. (Optional) Connect the line-in port of the FPGA board with an audio source, such as your cellphone, via a 3.5 mm audio cable. If you skip this step, the captured data is random noises.

Prepare Example Resources

Set up the Intel Quartus. This example assumes that the Intel Quartus executable is located in the file C:\altera\22.1\quartus\bin\quartus.exe. If the location of your executable is different, use your path instead.

  hdlsetuptoolpath('ToolName','Altera Quartus II', ...

Generate FPGA Data Capture Components

Launch the FPGA Data Capture Component Generator tool by executing this command in MATLAB.


This example monitors two signals from the existing HDL design for the audio system: 12 bit adc_out and 8 bit counter. The adc_out signal is the digital samples of the audio line-in signal. The next signal counter is an 8 bit free-running counter. To configure the data capture components to operate on these two signals, follow these steps.

1. Set FPGA vendor to Altera.

2. Set Generated IP language to Verilog.

3. Add one row to the Ports table by clicking the Add button once.

4. Rename the first signal to adc_out and the second signal to counter.

5. Change the bit widths of the two signals to 12 and 8, respectively.

6. Set Sample depth to 1024. This value is the number of samples of each signal that the data capture tool returns to MATLAB each time a trigger is detected.

7. Set Max trigger stages to 2. This value is the maximum number of trigger stages that you can add during data capture to provide multiple trigger conditions.

This figure shows these tool settings.

To generate the FPGA data capture component, click Generate. A report shows the results of the generation.

Integrate FPGA Data Capture HDL IP

You must include the generated HDL IP core into the example FPGA design. You can copy the module instance code from the generated report. In this example, connect the generated HDL IP with the ADC output and the 8 bit free-running counter.

Open the adc_top.v file provided with this example. Uncomment this code.

  datacapture1 u0 (

Save adc_top.v, compile the modified FPGA design, and create an FPGA programming file by using the following Tcl script.

  system('quartus_sh -t adc_deca_max10.tcl &')

The Tcl scripts that are included in this example perform these steps.

1. Create a new Quartus project.

2. Add example HDL files and the generated FPGA data capture HDL files to the project.

3. Compile the design.

4. Program the FPGA.

Wait until the Quartus process successfully finishes before going to the next step. This process takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

Capture Data

Navigate to the directory where the FPGA data capture component is generated.

  cd hdlsrc

Launch the FPGA Data Capture tool. This tool is customized for the data capture signals.


To start data capture, click Capture Data. Data capture object requests one buffer of captured data from the FPGA. The default setting is to capture immediately, without waiting for a trigger condition.

The captured data is saved into a structure, dataCaptureOut, in the MATLAB workspace. The captured data is also displayed as signal waveforms in the Logic Analyzer tool.

Narrow Scope of Data Capture Using Triggers

To capture data from the FPGA around a particular event, you can configure trigger conditions in the FPGA Data Capture tool. For example, to capture the audio data only after a counter reaches a certain value.

Set Number of trigger stages to 1. In the Trigger Stage 1 section, set Signal to counter. Enable this trigger signal by clicking the + button. Set the corresponding trigger condition value (Value) to 10. The trigger mode automatically changes to On trigger. This change tells the FPGA to wait for the trigger condition before capturing and returning data. This figure shows these tool settings.

Click Capture Data again. This time, the data capture IP returns 1024 samples, captured when it detects that the counter equals 10.

To capture data from the FPGA for specific bits in the trigger value, irrespective of other bits, you can configure the trigger condition with a bit-masked value.

For example, to capture an audio data only when the seventh bit of the counter is 1, set the trigger condition value (Value) to 0bX1XXXXXX as this figure shows.

Click Capture Data again.

The data capture IP triggers to capture the audio data for counter values in the range [64, 127] and [192, 255].

Capture Multiple Occurrences of Event

To capture a recurring event from the FPGA, configure Number of capture windows in the FPGA Data Capture tool.

For example, to capture the audio data at eight different time slots, set Number of capture windows to 8. This figure shows the updated tool settings.

Click Capture Data. The data capture IP returns eight windows of 128 samples each, which amounts to a total sample depth of 1024.

  Window depth = Sample depth/Number of capture windows;

The Logic Analyzer tool shows this result as eight occurrences of the trigger, with the audio data logged for 128 samples each.

The signals Capture Window and Trigger Position indicate the corresponding window number and trigger position, respectively.

Capture Data in Multiple Trigger Stages

This scenario explains how to capture data by providing a sequence of trigger conditions in multiple trigger stages. For capturing data in multiple trigger conditions, you must set Number of trigger stages to a value greater than 1 in the FPGA Data Capture tool.

For example, to capture an audio data when the counter value reaches from 0 to 5 in 5 clock cycles, follow these steps.

1. Set Number of trigger stages to 2.

2. In the Trigger Stage 1 section, set Signal to counter. Enable this trigger signal by clicking the + button. Set the corresponding trigger condition value (Value) to 0.

3. In Trigger Stage 2 section, set Signal to counter. Enable this trigger signal by clicking the + button. Set the corresponding trigger condition value (Value) to 5. Select Trigger time out and set it to 5.

The figure shows the updated tool settings.

Click Capture Data. The data capture IP captures 1024 samples when it detects the trigger condition in trigger stage 2 within 5 clock cycles, preceded by the trigger condition detected in trigger stage 1.

See Also


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