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Data Manipulation and Display

Use HDA data objects to format and convert OPC HDA data and its display

All data returned from an OPC HDA server is stored in MATLAB® as an OPC HDA data object. The HDA data object allows for convenient data storage, manipulation, and visualization. The data elements themselves are represented by one or more value, quality, and timestamp values, all associated with an item ID.


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singleConvert OPC HDA data object array to single matrix
doubleConvert OPC HDA data object array to double matrix
int8Convert OPC HDA data object array to int8 matrix
int16Convert OPC HDA data object array to int16 matrix
int32Convert OPC HDA data object array to int32 matrix
int64Convert OPC HDA data object array to int64 matrix
uint8Convert OPC HDA data object array to uint8 matrix
uint16Convert OPC HDA data object array to uint16 matrix
uint32Convert OPC HDA data object array to uint32 matrix
uint64Convert OPC HDA data object array to uint64 matrix
logicalConvert OPC HDA data object array to logical matrix
tsintersectIntersection of time stamp in OPC HDA data object
tsunionUnion of time stamps in an OPC HDA data object
arrayHasSameTimeStampTrue if all elements of OPC HDA data object have same time stamp vector
getIndexFromIDIndices matching OPC HDA data item IDs
resampleResample OPC HDA data object to have defined time stamps
opc.setDateDisplayFormatSet format for date display of OPC objects
opc.getDateDisplayFormatFormat for date display of OPC objects
showValuesDisplay table of values for OPC HDA data object
stairsPlot OPC HDA data object as stairstep graph
plot Plot OPC HDA data object as lines
opc.hdaQualityStringOPC historical data access part of quality ID


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