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OPC UA Server Data Types

OPC UA servers store data retrieved from sensors, actuators and other data sources, in Variable Nodes. The Value of each Variable Node is stored and retrieved as a specific Server Data Type, and may be a single value, or an array of values of that data type. The ServerDataType property of an object describes the OPC UA data type used by the server to store the node Value.

When you read data from the server, the value is translated into a corresponding MATLAB® data type.

The OPC UA Standard defines simple data types, and Structures which consist of fields containing other data types. Vendors and standards organizations may define extended Data Types, but these are all collections of standard data types, and these collections can be retrieved as multiple Nodes containing Standard Data Types.

The following table describes the OPC UA Standard Data Types, and how these are represented in MATLAB. Any ServerDataType value not shown here cannot be read by Industrial Communication Toolbox™.

OPC UA Data TypeMATLAB Data TypeNotes
ByteString (*)uint8 vectorArrays converted to cell array of uint8
DateTime (*)Datetime 
ExpandedNodeId (*)StructureFields: NodeId, NaspaceUri, ServerIndex
Guid (*)Character vectorArrays converted to cell array of encoded character vectors
LocalizedTextCharacter vectorArrays converted to cell array of character vectors
NodeId (*)Character vectorArrays converted to cell array of encoded character vectors
QualifiedName (*)Character vectorArrays converted to cell array of encoded character vectors
StringCharacter vectorArrays converted to cell array of character vectors
Structure (*)Structure 
Time (*)DatetimeArrays not supported
XmlElement (*)Character vectorArrays converted to cell array of character vectors

When writing values to an OPC UA server, the value is translated to the equivalent OPC UA Data Type as long as the value is specified as the MATLAB data type described above. You cannot write OPC UA Data Types marked (*).

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