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Construct operating point specification object for idnlhw model


spec = operspec(nlsys) creates a default operating point specification object for the idnlhw model nlsys. This object is used with findop and specifies constraints on the model input and output signal values. Modify the default specifications using dot notation.

Input Arguments

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Nonlinear Hammerstein-Wiener model, specified as an idnlhw object.

Output Arguments

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Operating point specification, used to determine an operating point of the idnlhw model using findop, returned as an object containing the following:

  • Input — Structure with fields:

    FieldDescriptionDefault for Each Input
    ValueInitial guesses or fixed levels for the values of the model inputs, specified as a vector with length equal to the number of input signals.0
    MinMinimum value constraints on the model inputs, specified as a vector with length equal to the number of input signals.-Inf
    MaxMaximum value constraints on the model inputs, specified as a vector with length equal to the number of input signals.Inf

    Known value indicator, specified as a logical vector with length equal to the number of input signals and with the following values:

    • truefindop will set the corresponding input signal to Value.

    • falsefindop will estimate the corresponding input signal using Value as an initial guess.


  • Output — Structure with fields:

    FieldDescriptionDefault for Each Input
    ValueTarget values the model outputs, specified as a vector with length equal to the number of output signals.0
    MinMinimum value constraints on the model outputs, specified as a vector with length equal to the number of output signals.-Inf
    MaxMaximum value constraints on the model outputs, specified as a vector with length equal to the number of output signals.Inf

    Known value indicator, specified as a logical vector with length equal to the number of output signals and with the following values:

    • truefindop will use Value as an estimation target for the corresponding output.

    • falsefindop will keep the corresponding output within the constraints specified by Min and Max.



  1. If Input.Known is true for all model inputs, then the initial state values are determined using the input specifications only. In this case, findop ignores the specifications in the Output structure.

  2. Otherwise, findop uses the output specifications to meet the objectives indicated by Output.Known.

Version History

Introduced in R2008a

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