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Using System Identification Toolbox Blocks in Simulink Models

System Identification Toolbox™ software provides blocks for sharing information between the MATLAB® and Simulink® environments.

You can use the System Identification Toolbox block library to perform the following tasks:

  • Stream time-domain data source (iddata object) into a Simulink model.

  • Export data from a simulation in Simulink software as a System Identification Toolbox data object (iddata object).

  • Import estimated models into a Simulink model, and simulate the models with or without noise.

    The model you import might be a component of a larger system modeled in Simulink. For example, if you identified a plant model using the System Identification Toolbox software, you can import this plant into a Simulink model for control design.

  • Estimate parameters of linear polynomial models during simulation from single-output data.

To open the System Identification Toolbox block library, enter slLibraryBrowser at the MATLAB prompt. In the Library Browser, select System Identification Toolbox.

You can also open the System Identification Toolbox block library directly by typing the following command at the MATLAB prompt:


To get help on a block, right-click the block in the Library Browser, and select Help.

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