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GenICam GenTL Hardware

Device Discovery

If you are having trouble using the Image Acquisition Toolbox™ with a GenICam™ GenTL camera driver using the toolbox's gentl adaptor, try the following:

  1. Install the Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for GenICam Interface.

    Starting with version R2014a, each adaptor is available separately through MATLAB® Add-Ons. See Image Acquisition Support Packages for Hardware Adaptors for information about installing the adaptors.

  2. Verify that the gentl adaptor loads. You can use the imaqhwinfo command to list installed adaptors. The gentl adaptor should be included on the list.

    If it does not load, make sure that GenICam is configured correctly using the imaqsupport function.

  3. Install the manufacturer-provided GenTL producer. During setup, make sure to uncheck the DirectShow driver installation. If a device is configured for DirectShow, it might not be available to GenTL.

  4. Make sure your environment variables are set. For example, depending on the GenTL producers you have installed, on a 64-bit Windows® system, it could be something like:

    GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH=C:\Program Files\LeutronVision\Simplon\bin\cti;C:\Program 
        Files\MATRIX VISION\mvIMPACT acquire\bin;C:\XIMEA\GenTL Producer\x86
  5. Each directory that you list in the environment variables must contain a DLL file that has a .cti extension and that exports the standard C functions that are expected for a GenTL producer. The Image Acquisition Toolbox gentl adaptor scans these directories for all the CTI files and then checks whether they export the correct minimum set of functions.

  6. Test the connectivity of your device separately from using the Image Acquisition Toolbox. Use the vendor program included with your device to see if you can detect and acquire images from the camera.

  7. If you are using the GenICam GenTL adaptor with a GigE Vision® camera, it may be that the producers for GigE Vision cameras do not send a ForceIP command. So sometimes, after plugging in a new camera, it is not found. Using the toolbox’s gige adaptor first can resolve this.

  8. Run the imaqsupport function for further troubleshooting information. The GenTL section should list the detected producers, as follows.

    GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH = <C:\Program Files\MATRIX VISION\mvIMPACT Acquire\bin\x64;C:\Program> Files (x86)\Common Files\MVS\Runtime\Win64_x64;C:\XIMEA\GenTL Producer\x64;
    Producer found = <C:\Program Files\MATRIX VISION\mvIMPACT Acquire\bin\x64\mvGenTLProducer.cti>
    No producers found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MVS\Runtime\Win64_x64
    Producer found = <C:\XIMEA\GenTL Producer\x64\ximea.gentlX64.cti> 

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