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Set Properties for Matrox Acquisition

You cannot directly set properties for the matroxcam object in the Image Acquisition Toolbox™. To set acquisition properties, use your Digitizer Configuration File (DCF) file. You can set properties in the DCF file using the Matrox® Intellicam software. The DCF file contains properties relating to exposure signal, grab mode, sync signal, camera, video signal, video timing, and pixel clock. Once you have configured these properties in your DCF file, you create the matroxcam object using that file name and path as an input argument.

  1. Set any properties you want to configure in your DCF file, using the Matrox Intellicam software.

  2. Use the matroxlist function to ensure that MATLAB® is discovering your frame grabber.

    ans = 
       Solios XCL (digitizer 0)
       Solios XCL (digitizer 1)
       VIO (digitizer 0)
  3. Use the matroxcam function to create the object and connect it to the frame grabber. If you want to use the second frame grabber in the list, the Solios XCL at digitizer 1, use a 2 as the index number, since it is the second device on the list. The second argument must be the name of your DCF file, entered as a character vector. It must contain the fully qualified path to the file as well. In this example, the DCF file is named mycam.dcf.

    m = matroxcam(2, 'C:\Drivers\Solios\dcf\XCL\Basler\A404K\mycam.dcf')
    m = 
    Display Summary for matroxcam:
             DeviceName: 'Solios XCL (digitizer 1)'
                DCFName: 'C:\Drivers\Solios\dcf\XCL\Basler\A404K\mycam.dcf'
        FrameResolution: '1300 x 1080'  
                Timeout: 10   

    The four properties shown when you create the object are read-only properties that identify the frame grabber.

  4. You can then preview and acquire images, as described in Acquire Images from Matrox Frame Grabbers.


If you need to change any properties after you preview your image, you must change them in the DCF file, and then create a new object to pick up the changes.

Configuring Hardware Triggering

If your DCF file is configured for hardware triggering, then you must provide the trigger to acquire images. To do that, call the snapshot function as you normally would, as described in Acquire One Image Frame from a Matrox Frame Grabber, and then perform the hardware trigger to acquire the frame.

Note that when you call the snapshot function with hardware triggering set, it will not timeout as it normally would. Therefore, the MATLAB command-line will be blocked until you perform the hardware trigger.

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