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Install Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for IVI and VXIplug&play Drivers

To use the ividev interface to connect to your instruments, you must install the Instrument Control Toolbox™ Support Package for IVI® and VXIplug&play Drivers. Installing the support package provides you with the MATLAB® drivers necessary for connecting to your instrument in MATLAB.


The Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for IVI and VXIplug&play Drivers is supported only on Windows® machines.

First, install the following software.

  • Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments™ VISA and ICP Interfaces

  • Required IVI drivers for your instrument

Then, you can download and install the Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for IVI and VXIplug&play Drivers from the MATLAB Add-On Explorer.

Verify IVI Drivers

The instrument manufacturer usually provides the specific IVI driver. Required VISA software and IVI shared components can also come with the driver.

You can use ividriverlist to find information about installed IVI drivers.

driverList = ividriverlist
driverList =

  15×4 table

             VendorDriver          MATLABDriver            IVIClass                                                                                       SupportedModels                                                                              
          __________________    __________________    __________________    ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    1     "AgInfiniiVision"     "AgInfiniiVision"     "IVIScope"            {["C7302"    "C7302C"    "C7304"    "C7304C"    "C7312"    "C7312C"    "C7314"    "C7314C"    "C7322"    "C7322C"    "C7324"    "C7324C"    "C7332"    "C7332C"    …    ]}
    2     "IviACPwr"            "IviACPwr"            "IVIACPwr"            {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    3     "IviCounter"          "IviCounter"          "IVICounter"          {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    4     "IviDCPwr"            "IviDCPwr"            "IVIDCPwr"            {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    5     "IviDigitizer"        "IviDigitizer"        "IVIDigitizer"        {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    6     "IviDmm"              "IviDmm"              "IVIDmm"              {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    7     "IviDownconverter"    "IviDownconverter"    "IVIDownconverter"    {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    8     "IviFgen"             "IviFgen"             "IVIFgen"             {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    9     "IviPwrMeter"         "IviPwrMeter"         "IVIPwrMeter"         {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    10    "IviRfSigGen"         "IviRfSigGen"         "IVIRfSigGen"         {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    11    "IviScope"            "IviScope"            "IVIScope"            {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    12    "IviSpecAn"           "IviSpecAn"           "IVISpecAn"           {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    13    "IviSwtch"            "IviSwtch"            "IVISwtch"            {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    14    "IviUpconverter"      "IviUpconverter"      "IVIUpconverter"      {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
    15    "tktds1k2k"           "tktds1k2k"           "IVIScope"            {["TB21042"    "TBS1022"    "TBS1032B"    "TBS1042"    "TBS1052B"    "TBS1052B-EDU"    "TBS1062"    "TBS1064"    "TBS1072B"    "TBS1072B-EDU"    "TBS1102"    …         ]}

The VendorDriver and MATLABDriver columns identify each installed driver. You must use MATLABDriver as an input to create an ividev object. If MATLABDriver is empty for a driver, you can not create an ividev object for that driver. The IVIClass and SupportedModels columns provide additional information about the driver.

See Also

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