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Stream Data from Ouster Lidar Sensor

To stream data from an Ouster® lidar sensor into MATLAB®, you must first connect the sensor to your computer and test that the sensor is working correctly.

Connect Ouster Lidar Sensor

For an Ouster lidar sensor to stream data into your computer (host machine) or your network,

  • The sensor must receive an IP address from the host machine.

    You can connect an Ouster sensor into your network or to your computer using one of these methods: DHCP, IPv6/IPv4 link-local, and static IP. The sensor then automatically receives an IP address depending on your network configuration.

  • The sensor and the host machine must be in the same subnet.

    For example, if the IP address of the sensor is Set the host network IP address to 169.254.0.x, where x is any number in the range 1 through 255, apart from 101.

For more information on how to connect your sensor and configure its parameters, refer to the software user manual of your sensor available in the Downloads section of the Ouster website.

Run Hardware Outside MATLAB

Before using functionality from the Lidar Toolbox™ Support Package for Ouster Lidar Sensors, make sure your Ouster lidar sensor runs properly by visualizing and analyzing data from the sensor by using the Ouster Studio software provided by Ouster. You can download a copy of Ouster Studio here.

Using the Ouster Studio software user interface, you can visualize the sensor data and configuration parameters for your sensor. For more information on Ouster Studio, see Ouster Studio Lidar Visualizer.

Stream Data from Ouster Sensor

After you successfully connect the sensor and test that it works, you can use an ousterlidar object to stream the sensor data into MATLAB. For more details on the next steps, see Create an ousterlidar Object and Use Object Properties.

Useful Links

  • For detailed information on how to connect your sensor and configure its parameters, refer to the hardware and software user manuals of your sensor available in the Downloads section of the Ouster website.

  • For information on how to use Ouster Studio, see the Ouster Studio User Manual available in the Downloads section of the Ouster website.

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