Read, Process, and Write Lidar Point Cloud Data
This example shows how to read a point cloud into the workspace, select a desired set of points, and then write the selected points to a point cloud file format.
Step 1: Read and Display Point Cloud
Read data from a .las
file into the workspace by using the lasFileReader
function. Display the properties stored in the output lasFileReader
fileName = fullfile(toolboxdir("lidar"),"lidardata","las","aerialLidarData.laz"); lasReader = lasFileReader(fileName)
lasReader = lasFileReader with properties: FileName: '/mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/lidar/lidardata/las/aerialLidarData.laz' Count: 1018047 LasVersion: '1.0' XLimits: [4.2975e+05 4.3015e+05] YLimits: [3.6798e+06 3.6801e+06] ZLimits: [72.7900 125.8200] GPSTimeLimits: [3.3355e+05 sec 3.3443e+05 sec] NumReturns: 4 NumClasses: 10 SystemIdentifier: 'LAStools (c) by rapidlasso GmbH' GeneratingSoftware: 'TerraScan + OT' FileCreationDate: 28-Apr-2020 FileSourceID: 0 ProjectID: '0-0-0-00000000' PointDataFormat: 1 ClassificationInfo: [6x3 table] LaserReturnInfo: [4x2 table] VariableLengthRecords: [3x3 table]
Read the point cloud from the .las
ptCloud = readPointCloud(lasReader);
Display the point cloud.
fig = figure(Position=[0 0 800 400]); hPanel = uipanel(fig); hPlot = axes(hPanel); pcshow(ptCloud.Location,Parent=hPlot)
Step 2: Select Desired Set of Points
You can select a desired set of points in the input point cloud by specifying the classification value for the object classes and indices of the points within a region-of-interest (ROI).
Select points by specifying classification value
To select the points by specifying the classification value, read information about the object classes in the input point cloud by using the
property of thelasFileReader
Classification Value Class Name Number of Points by Class ____________________ ___________________ _________________________ 1 "Unclassified" 114842 2 "Ground" 646632 4 "Medium Vegetation" 210101 6 "Building" 45699 8 "Reserved(8)" 751 9 "Water" 22
Specify the classification value for the object class to read from the input point cloud by using the
function. To read the points corresponding to medium vegetation region, set the value forClassification
name-value argument to 4.
ptCloudB = readPointCloud(lasReader,Classification=4);
Display the point cloud.
fig1 = figure(Position=[0 0 800 400]); hPanel1 = uipanel(fig1); hPlot1 = axes(hPanel1); pcshow(ptCloudB.Location,Parent=hPlot1)
Select points by specifying indices
Define a cuboid ROI within the range of the x, y and z coordinates of the input point cloud.
roi = [lasReader.XLimits(1)+200, lasReader.XLimits(2), ...
lasReader.YLimits(1), lasReader.YLimits(2), lasReader.ZLimits(1), lasReader.ZLimits(2)];
Find the indices of the points that lie within the cuboid ROI.
indices = findPointsInROI(ptCloudB,roi);
Select the points that lie within the cuboid ROI and store as a point cloud object.
ptCloudC = select(ptCloudB,indices);
Display the point cloud.
fig2 = figure(Position=[0 0 800 400]); hPanel2 = uipanel(fig2); hPlot2 = axes(hPanel2); pcshow(ptCloudC.Location,Parent=hPlot2)
Step 3: Write Selected Points to .las File format
Specify the name for the .las file and create a lasFileWriter
newfileName = "aerialvegetation.las";
lasWriter = lasFileWriter(newfileName);
Write the selected points to the .las
file by using the writePointCloud
function. The function creates the new file in the current working directory.
Step 4: Check Properties of the Newly Written File
newlasReader = lasFileReader(newfileName)
newlasReader = lasFileReader with properties: FileName: '/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_2976385/tp8c338324/lidar-ex04737654/aerialvegetation.las' Count: 116598 LasVersion: '1.2' XLimits: [4.2995e+05 4.3015e+05] YLimits: [3.6798e+06 3.6801e+06] ZLimits: [84.9500 123.1100] GPSTimeLimits: [0 sec 0 sec] NumReturns: 1 NumClasses: 1 SystemIdentifier: 'MATLAB' GeneratingSoftware: 'LasFileWriter v1.0' FileCreationDate: 21-Jan-2025 FileSourceID: 0 ProjectID: '0-0-0-00000000' PointDataFormat: 3 ClassificationInfo: [1x3 table] LaserReturnInfo: [1x2 table] VariableLengthRecords: [1x3 table]
See Also
| pcshow
| readPointCloud
| findPointsInROI
| pointCloud
| select