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Basic Workflow for Displaying Web Maps

Workflow Summary

The web map display is an interactive capability, so there is no specific workflow required. The following is one way to approach working with web map displays.

  1. Display the default web map, using the webmap function. You can also specify a base layer (also called a basemap) when you create the web map with the webmap function.

  2. Select a base layer map from the Layer Manager. The toolbox supports over a dozen base layers from popular web map providers. You can also add custom base layers.

  3. Navigate around the web map, using the zoom tool and moving the map interactively (panning). You can also specify the visible portion of the web map programmatically using the wmlimits, wmzoom, and wmcenter functions.

  4. Select additional layers to overlay on your web map from the overlay layers listed in the Layer Manager. You can also create overlay layers using the wmline, wmmarker, and wmpolygon functions. Use wmremove to remove layers that you’ve added.

  5. Print the map, using the wmprint function.

  6. Close the map, using the wmclose function.

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