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Change Map Projections When Using geoshow

You can display latitude-longitude raster and vector data on axesm-based maps by using the geoshow function. When you change the projection of an axesm-based map that contains raster data plotted by the geoshow function, MATLAB® reprojects the raster data. However, if the map contains vector data plotted by the geoshow function, MATLAB does not reproject the vector data. To reproject vector data, you must remove the vector data from the map and then plot it again.

Change Map Projections When Using geoshow

Change the map projection of an axesm-based map after displaying raster and vector data using the geoshow function.

Reproject Raster Data

When you change the projection of an axesm-based map that contains raster data plotted by the geoshow function, MATLAB reprojects the raster data.

Set up an axesm-based map that uses a Mercator projection.

axesm mercator

Display raster data on the map by using the geoshow function. For this example, display geoid heights from the EGM96 geoid model.

[N,R] = egm96geoid;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type surface.

Change the map projection to use a Mollweide projection.

ax = gca;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type surface.

Reproject Vector Data

When you change the projection of an axesm-based map that contains vector data plotted by the geoshow function, MATLAB does not reproject the vector data. To reproject the vector data, you must remove the vector data from the map and then plot it again.

Set up an axesm-based map that uses a Miller projection.

axesm miller

Display vector data on the map by using the geoshow function. For this example, display a shapefile containing world land areas. Return the plot objects in v.

v = geoshow("landareas.shp");

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 537 objects of type patch.

To reproject the map, first delete the plot objects. Change the map projection to use an orthographic projection. Then, plot the data again.


ax = gca;


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 255 objects of type patch.

See Also



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