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GLOBE data file names for latitude-longitude quadrangle


tileNames = globedems(latlim,lonlim)
tileNames = globedems(lat,lon)


tileNames = globedems(latlim,lonlim) returns a cell array of the tile names covering the geographic region for GLOBEDEM digital elevation maps. The region is specified by two-element vectors of latitude and longitude limits in units of degrees.

tileNames = globedems(lat,lon) returns a cell array of the tile names covering the geographic region for GLOBEDEM digital elevation maps. The region is specified by scalar latitude and longitude points, in units of degrees.


GLOBE, the Global Land One-km Base Elevation data, was compiled by the National Geophysical Data Center from more than 10 different sources of gridded elevation data. The data set consists of 16 tiles, each covering 50 by 90 degrees. Determining which tiles are needed to cover a particular region generally requires consulting an index map. This function takes the place of such a reference by returning the file names for a given geographic region.


Which tiles are needed for southern Louisiana?

latlim =[28.61 31.31];
lonlim = [-91.24 -88.62];

ans = 


The globedems function reads data from the format GLOBE Version 1.0.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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