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Handles of objects on axesm-based map


h = handlem(object)
h = handlem(tagstr)
h = handlem(___,axesh)
h = handlem(___,axesh,'searchmethod')
h = handlem(handles)


handlem displays a dialog box for selecting objects that have their Tag property set.

handlem('taglist') displays a dialog box for selecting objects that have their Tag property set.

handlem('prompt') displays a dialog box for selecting objects based on the objects listed below.

h = handlem(object) returns the graphics objects in the current axes specified by the input, object. The options for the object are defined by the following list:


All children


Contour labels


hggroup containing contours


hggroup containing filled contours


Map frame


Map grid lines


All hggroup objects


Hidden objects


Untagged image objects


Untagged light objects


Untagged line objects


All objects on the map, excluding the frame and grid


Longitude grid lines


Longitude labels


Latitude grid lines


Latitude labels


Untagged patch objects


scaleruler objects


Untagged surface objects


Untagged text objects


Tissot indicatrices


Visible objects

h = handlem(tagstr) returns any graphics objects whose tags match the value of tagstr.

h = handlem(___,axesh) searches within the specified axes.

h = handlem(___,axesh,'searchmethod') controls the method used to match the object input. If omitted, 'exact' is assumed. Search method 'strmatch' searches for matches that start at the beginning of the tag. Search method 'findstr' searches anywhere within the tag for the object.

h = handlem(handles) returns those graphics objects in the input vector of graphics objects that are still valid.

You can apply the prefix 'all' when defining an object type (text, line, patch, light, surface, or image) to find all objects that meet the type criteria (for example, 'allimage'). Without the 'all' prefix, handlem returns only objects with an empty tag.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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