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Set Up Resources in Admin Center

Use Admin Center to configure and control MATLAB® Parallel Server™ processes, including the cluster host for MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster, mjs service, and workers.

Set Up Resources for the Host

In the Hosts panel, Admin Center displays all monitored cluster hosts. Information for each host includes:

  • Host: Hostname — Hostname or IP address you originally entered for monitoring.

  • Host: Reachable — Indication that the host running Admin Center can resolve the listed hostname.

  • Host: Cores — Number of computational cores on the listed host.

  • MJS Service: Up Since — When the mjs service was last started.

  • MJS Service: Status — Indication of the mjs service current status as running or unavailable.

  • MATLAB Job Scheduler: Name — Names of all MATLAB Job Schedulers running on that host.

  • Workers: Count — Number of workers running on that host.

Top panel of Admin Center with a list of hosts

Add Hosts

To specify the hosts you want listed in Admin Center, for a new session, click Add or Find in the welcome dialog box. If the session is not new, click Add or Find in the Hosts panel.

In the Add or Find Hosts dialog box, identify the hosts you want to add, by using one of the following methods:

  • Select Enter Hostnames and provide short hostnames, fully qualified domain names, or individual IP addresses for the hosts.

  • Select Enter IP Range and provide the range of IP addresses for your hosts.

If one of the hosts you have specified is running a MATLAB Job Scheduler, Admin Center automatically finds and lists all the hosts running workers registered with that MATLAB Job Scheduler. Similarly, if you specify a host that is running a worker, Admin Center finds and lists the host running that worker’s MATLAB Job Scheduler, and then also all hosts running other workers under that MATLAB Job Scheduler.

Start mjs Service

A host must be running an mjs service if a MATLAB Job Scheduler or worker is to run on that host. Usually, you set up this service with Admin Center or command-line scripts during the installation of MATLAB Parallel Server on your cluster, as described in Install for MATLAB Job Scheduler with Network License Manager.

If you want to add hosts to your cluster or remove them, Admin Center allows you to start and stop mjs services on those hosts. To start the mjs service on a group of hosts with the same platform, select all those hosts in the Hosts panel, and click Start MJS Service in the left column of the panel.

Alternatively, you can start the mjs service by selecting Hosts > Start MJS Service or by right-clicking a listed host and then selecting Start MJS Service.

A dialog box guides you through the procedure of starting the mjs service on the selected hosts. In the procedure, provide or confirm information for the service:

  1. Specify remote platform — You can start an mjs service on multiple hosts at the same time, but they all must be the same platform, Windows® or UNIX®. If you have a mixed platform cluster, run the mjs startup separately for each type of platform.

    For example, in a mixed platform environment, you can start mjs service on all your Windows hosts as one group, then start mjs service on all your UNIX hosts as a group.

  2. Specify remote communication — Choose the protocol for communication with the hosts.

    For a Windows hosts interacting with other Windows hosts, your only choice is Windows Service Control.

    For UNIX or cross-platform uses, your choices are SSH — Using username and password, or SSH — Using username and identity file. For either choice, enter the appropriate information.

  3. Specify locations — Specify the location of the MATLAB installation and the mjs_def file for the hosts.

    The default installation is the installation from which Admin Center is running, but that installation might not be the same installation you want to use for your cluster hosts.

    If you have a modified mjs_def file that you want to use, select alternate location and provide the path to the file.

  4. Confirm before starting — Review information before proceeding.

    Carefully review all settings. If you want to make any changes, click Back and modify your settings. If the information is all correct, click Start to start the mjs process on all the hosts of the current group.

  5. Summary — Status about the startup attempt.

    The summary indicates the success of starting mjs service on the hosts. If startup fails, Admin Center prints any error messages here.

The first looks like this dialog box:

Steps for starting mjs service on a host

Stop mjs Service

To stop mjs service on certain hosts, select the hosts and then click Stop MJS Service. This action stops all mjs services on the selected hosts. The hosts remain in the Admin Center listing.

Destroy mjs Service

To shut down an mjs service on a host and destroy all its job and task data, right-click the mjs service in the listing and then select Destroy. You can destroy an mjs service that is already stopped.

Remove Hosts

To remove hosts from the listing, select the hosts to remove, and then right-click your selection and select Remove Hosts. To select multiple hosts, click the first host and then Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select additional hosts. Removing a host from the listing does not stop the mjs service, MATLAB Job Scheduler, or worker processes running on that host.

Test Connectivity

Click Test Connectivity to verify all necessary network connection functionality between cluster hosts. In the Connectivity Testing dialog box, click Run to initiate tests and display new results. For more information, see Test MATLAB Job Scheduler Cluster Connectivity in Admin Center.

MATLAB Job Scheduler Resources

In the MATLAB Job Scheduler panel, Admin Center displays all monitored MATLAB Job Schedulers. Information for each MATLAB Job Scheduler includes:

  • Name — Name of the MATLAB Job Scheduler.

  • Hostname — Hostname of the host running the MATLAB Job Scheduler.

  • Status — Indication if MATLAB Job Scheduler is running.

  • Up Since — When the MATLAB Job Scheduler was last started or resumed.

  • Workers — Number of workers registered with this MATLAB Job Scheduler.

Start MATLAB Job Scheduler

To start a MATLAB Job Scheduler, click Start in the MATLAB Job Scheduler panel.

In the New MATLAB Job Scheduler dialog box, provide a name for the MATLAB Job Scheduler and select a host to run it on.

Start new MATLAB Job scheduler

Alternatively, you can start a MATLAB Job Scheduler by selecting Scheduler > Start or by right-clicking a listed host and selecting Start Scheduler.

If you previously stopped a MATLAB Job Scheduler without destroying it, select the MATLAB Job Scheduler in the listing and click Resume to get it running again while preserving its job data.

With a MATLAB Job Scheduler running on your cluster, Admin Center might look like this figure, with the MATLAB Job Scheduler listed in the MATLAB Job Scheduler panel, as well as being listed by name in the Hosts panel in the line for the host on which it is running.

MATLAB Job Scheduler panel of Admin Center with a list of job managers

Stop MATLAB Job Scheduler

To interrupt a MATLAB Job Scheduler, select the MATLAB Job Scheduler in the listing and click Stop. Stopping a MATLAB Job Scheduler shuts down the process but does not destroy any job data. You can restart a stopped MATLAB Job Scheduler.

Destroy MATLAB Job Scheduler

To shut down a MATLAB Job Scheduler process and destroy all its job and task data, right-click the MATLAB Job Scheduler in the listing and select Destroy. You can destroy a MATLAB Job Scheduler that is already stopped.

Workers Resources

In the Workers panel, Admin Center displays all monitored workers. Information for each worker includes:

  • Worker: Name — Name of the monitored worker. Admin Center assigns a default name when it starts workers.

  • Worker: Hostname — Hostname of the host running this worker.

  • Worker: Status — Indication if the worker is running.

  • Worker: Up Since — When the worker process was last started or resumed.

  • MATLAB Job Scheduler: Connection — Status of the worker’s connection and registration with its MATLAB Job Scheduler.

  • MATLAB Job Scheduler: Name — Name of the MATLAB Job Scheduler that this worker is registered with.

  • MATLAB Job Scheduler: Hostname — Hostname of the host running this worker’s MATLAB Job Scheduler.

Start Workers

To start MATLAB workers, click Start in the Workers panel.

In the Start Workers dialog box, specify the number of workers to start on each host and select the hosts to run them. From the list, select the MATLAB Job Scheduler for these workers. Click OK to start the workers. Admin Center automatically provides names for the workers, based on the hosts running them.

Start worker on hosts

Alternatively, you can start workers by selecting Workers > Start or by right-clicking a listed host or MATLAB Job Scheduler and selecting Start Workers.

With workers running on your cluster, Admin Center might look like the following figure, which shows the workers listed in the Workers panel. Also, the number of workers running under the MATLAB Job Scheduler is listed in the MATLAB Job Scheduler panel, and the number of workers for each MATLAB Job Scheduler is listed in the Hosts panel.

Top panel of Admin Center with a list of hosts, middle panel with an MJS job manager and bottom panel with a list of workers.

To get more information on any host, MATLAB Job Scheduler, or worker listed in Admin Center, right-click its name in the display and select Properties. Alternatively, you can find the Properties option under the Hosts, Scheduler, and Workers menus.

If you previously stopped a worker without destroying it, select the worker and click Resume to get it running again with its preserved data. You cannot resume workers that you destroy.

Stop Workers

To stop a worker in the listing without destroying any worker data, click Stop in the Workers panel to shut down the process. You can resume a stopped worker.

Destroy Workers

To shut down worker processes and destroy all their data regardless of state, select the workers in the listing, right-click your selection, and select Destroy. You cannot resume workers that you destroy.

Move Workers

To move a worker from one host to another, you must completely shut it down, and then start a new worker on the desired host.

  1. Right-click the worker in the Workers panel list. Select Destroy. This action shuts down the worker process and removes all its data.

  2. If the old worker host is not running any other MATLAB Parallel Server processes (mjs service, MATLAB Job Scheduler, or workers), remove it from the Admin Center listing.

  3. If necessary, add the new host in the Admin Center Hosts panel.

  4. In the Workers panel, click Start. Select the desired host in the Start Workers dialog box, along with the appropriate number and MATLAB Job Scheduler name.

You can use a similar process to move a MATLAB Job Scheduler from one host to another. However, before you register workers with the new instance of the MATLAB Job Scheduler, you must destroy all workers registered with the MATLAB Job Scheduler on the old host.

Resource Updates

Admin Center updates its data automatically at regular intervals. To set the update rate, select an option from the Update list. Click Update Now to immediately update the display data.

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