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Function-Based Unit Tests

Create Test Function

A test function is a single MATLAB® file that contains a main function and your individual local test functions. Optionally, you can include file fixture and fresh fixture functions. File fixtures consist of setup and teardown functions shared across all the tests in a file. These functions are executed once per test file. Fresh fixtures consist of setup and teardown functions that are executed before and after each local test function.

Create the Main Function

The main function collects all of the local test functions into a test array. The name of the main function corresponds to the name of your test file and should start or end with the word 'test', which is case-insensitive. If the file name does not start or end with the word 'test', the tests in the file might be ignored in certain cases. In this sample case, the MATLAB file is exampleTest.m. The main function needs to make a call to functiontests to generate a test array, tests. Use localfunctions as the input to functiontests to automatically generate a cell array of function handles to all the local functions in your file. This is a typical main function.

function tests = exampleTest
tests = functiontests(localfunctions);

Create Local Test Functions

Individual test functions are included as local functions in the same MATLAB file as the main (test-generating) function. These test function names must begin or end with the case-insensitive word, ‘test’. Each of the local test functions must accept a single input, which is a function test case object, testCase. The testing framework automatically generates this object. For more information on creating test functions, see Write Simple Test Case Using Functions and Table of Verifications, Assertions, and Other Qualifications. This is a typical example of skeletal local-test functions.

function testFunctionOne(testCase)
% Test specific code

function testFunctionTwo(testCase)
% Test specific code

Create Optional Fixture Functions

Setup and teardown code, also referred to as test fixture functions, set up the pretest state of the system and return it to the original state after running the test. There are two types of these functions: file fixture functions that run once per test file, and fresh fixture functions that run before and after each local test function. These functions are not required to generate tests. In general, it is preferable to use fresh fixtures over file fixtures to increase unit test encapsulation.

A function test case object, testCase, must be the only input to file fixture and fresh fixture functions. The testing framework automatically generates this object. The TestCase object is a means to pass information between setup functions, test functions, and teardown functions. Its TestData property is, by default, a struct, which allows easy addition of fields and data. Typical uses for this test data include paths and graphics handles. For an example using the TestData property, see Write Test Using Setup and Teardown Functions.

File Fixture Functions.  Use file fixture functions to share setup and teardown functions across all the tests in a file. The names for the file fixture functions must be setupOnce and teardownOnce, respectively. These functions execute a single time for each file. You can use file fixtures to set a path before testing, and then reset it to the original path after testing. This is a typical example of skeletal file fixture setup and teardown code.

function setupOnce(testCase)  % do not change function name
% set a new path, for example

function teardownOnce(testCase)  % do not change function name
% change back to original path, for example

Fresh Fixture Functions.   Use fresh fixture functions to set up and tear down states for each local test function. The names for these fresh fixture functions must be setup and teardown, respectively. You can use fresh fixtures to obtain a new figure before testing and to close the figure after testing. This is typical example of skeletal test function level setup and teardown code.

function setup(testCase)  % do not change function name
% open a figure, for example

function teardown(testCase)  % do not change function name
% close figure, for example

Program Listing Template

%% Main function to generate tests
function tests = exampleTest
tests = functiontests(localfunctions);

%% Test Functions
function testFunctionOne(testCase)
% Test specific code

function testFunctionTwo(testCase)
% Test specific code

%% Optional file fixtures  
function setupOnce(testCase)  % do not change function name
% set a new path, for example

function teardownOnce(testCase)  % do not change function name
% change back to original path, for example

%% Optional fresh fixtures  
function setup(testCase)  % do not change function name
% open a figure, for example

function teardown(testCase)  % do not change function name
% close figure, for example

Run the Tests

When you run function-based tests, the testing framework executes these tasks:

  1. Create an array of tests specified by local test functions.

  2. If the setupOnce function is specified, set up the pretest state of the system by running the function.

  3. For each test, run the corresponding local test function. If the setup function is specified, run it before running the local test function. If the teardown function is specified, run it after running the local test function.

  4. If the teardownOnce function is specified, return the pretest state of the system to the original state by running the function.

Workflow for running function-based tests

To run tests from the command prompt, use the runtests function with your MATLAB test file as input. For example:

results = runtests('exampleTest.m')

Alternatively, you can run tests using the run function.

results = run(exampleTest)

For more information on running tests see runtests and Run Tests for Various Workflows.

Analyze the Results

To analyze the test results, examine the output structure from runtests or run. For each test, the result contains the name of the test function, whether it passed, failed, or did not complete, and the time it took to run the test. For more information, see Analyze Test Case Results and Analyze Failed Test Results.

See Also

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