Class: matlab.unittest.fixtures.Fixture
Namespace: matlab.unittest.fixtures
Record diagnostic information during fixture setup and teardown
the supplied diagnostic. The log method provides a means for tests
to log information during fixture setup and teardown routines. The
testing framework displays logged messages only if you configure it
to do so by adding an appropriate plugin, such as the f
the diagnostic at the specified verbosity level, f
Input Arguments
— Instance of fixture
Instance of fixture, specified as a matlab.unittest.fixtures.Fixture
— Diagnostic information to display upon a failure
string | character vector | function handle | matlab.automation.diagnostics.Diagnostic
Diagnostic information to display upon a failure, specified as a string, character vector,
function handle, or
— Verbosity level
(default) | 1
| 3
| 4
| matlab.automation.Verbosity
Verbosity level, specified as an integer value between 1 and 4 or a
enumeration object. The
default verbosity level for diagnostic messages is
. Integer values correspond to the members of
the matlab.automation.Verbosity
Numeric Representation | Enumeration Member Name | Verbosity Description |
1 | Terse | Minimal information |
2 | Concise | Moderate amount of information |
3 | Detailed | Some supplemental information |
4 | Verbose | Lots of supplemental information |
Log Diagnostic Information
In a file, FormatHexFixture.m
, in your
current working folder, create the following fixture.
classdef FormatHexFixture < matlab.unittest.fixtures.Fixture properties (Access=private) OriginalFormat end methods function setup(fixture) fixture.OriginalFormat = format().NumericFormat; fixture.log(['The previous format setting was ',... fixture.OriginalFormat]) log(fixture,'Setting Format') format('hex') log(fixture,3,'Format Set') end function teardown(fixture) log(fixture,'Resetting Format') format(fixture.OriginalFormat) log(fixture,3,'Original Format Restored') end end end
In a file, SampleTest.m
, in your current
working folder, create the following test class.
classdef SampleTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase methods (Test) function test1(testCase) testCase.applyFixture(FormatHexFixture); actStr = getColumnForDisplay([1;2;3], 'Small Integers'); expStr = ['Small Integers ' '3ff0000000000000' '4000000000000000' '4008000000000000']; testCase.verifyEqual(actStr, expStr) end end end function str = getColumnForDisplay(values, title) elements = cell(numel(values)+1, 1); elements{1} = title; for idx = 1:numel(values) elements{idx+1} = displayNumber(values(idx)); end str = char(elements); end function str = displayNumber(n) str = strtrim(evalc('disp(n);')); end
Run the test.
result = run(SampleTest);
Running SampleTest . Done SampleTest __________
None of the logged messages are displayed because the default
test runner has a verbosity level of 1 (Terse
and the default log message is at level 2 (Concise
Create a test runner to report the diagnostics at levels 1, 2, and 3 and rerun the test.
import matlab.unittest.TestRunner import matlab.unittest.plugins.LoggingPlugin ts = matlab.unittest.TestSuite.fromClass(?SampleTest); runner = TestRunner.withNoPlugins; p = LoggingPlugin.withVerbosity(3); runner.addPlugin(p); results = runner.run(ts);
[Concise] Diagnostic logged (2022-09-30T15:36:46): The previous format setting was short [Concise] Diagnostic logged (2022-09-30T15:36:46): Setting Format [Detailed] Diagnostic logged (2022-09-30T15:36:46): Format Set [Concise] Diagnostic logged (2022-09-30T15:36:47): Resetting Format [Detailed] Diagnostic logged (2022-09-30T15:36:47): Original Format Restored
Version History
Introduced in R2014b
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