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matlab.unittest.selectors Namespace

Summary of classes in MATLAB selectors interface


Use selectors to filter or select elements of a test suite based on their attributes. The matlab.unittest.selectors namespace consists of the following selectors.


matlab.unittest.selectors.AndSelectorLogical conjunction of selectors
matlab.unittest.selectors.HasBaseFolderSelect TestSuite array elements by base folder
matlab.unittest.selectors.HasNameSelect TestSuite array elements by name
matlab.unittest.selectors.HasParameterSelect TestSuite array elements by parameterization
matlab.unittest.selectors.HasProcedureNameSelect TestSuite array elements by procedure name
matlab.unittest.selectors.HasSharedTestFixtureSelect TestSuite array elements by shared test fixture
matlab.unittest.selectors.HasSuperclassSelect TestSuite array elements by test superclass
matlab.unittest.selectors.HasTagSelect TestSuite array elements by test tag
matlab.unittest.selectors.NotSelectorLogical negation of selector
matlab.unittest.selectors.OrSelectorLogical disjunction of selectors

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

See Also

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