Memory Copy
Motor Control Blockset /
Signal Management
Generated code for the Memory Copy block copies data from and to processor memory as configured by block parameters. When you use this block to copy an individual data element from a source to a destination, the block copies the element from the source, using the source data type, and then casts the data element to the specified destination data type.
Include as many instances of the Memory Copy block in a model as required to manipulate memory on a target processor. Each instance of the block works with one variable, address, or set of addresses provided to the block as input.
Specify the source and destination for a memory copy by using block parameters. You can use block parameters to control other aspects of a memory copy, such as:
Initialization for memory locations
Memory stride and offset during run time
Write operations to memory during program initialization, during program termination, and at every sample time
Insertion of custom ANSI® C source code before and after each memory copy read and write operation (for example, to lock and unlock registers before and after accessing them)
The Memory Copy block performs operations at three periods during program execution:
Real-time operations
You can use block parameters to control when and how the block initializes memory, copies data or variables to and from memory, and terminates copy operations. The parameters enable you to turn on and off memory copy operations in the three periods independently.
Use the Memory Copy block and the Memory Allocate (Embedded Coder) block to manipulate and allocate memory for custom device drivers, such as PCI bus drivers or codec-style drivers.
During simulation, the Memory Copy block does not perform an operation. The block output is not defined.
src — Input data for copy operation
scalar | vector
The source data for the memory copy operation, specified as a scalar or vector.
Port Dependencies
To use this port as the source for the memory copy operation, set
parameter Copy from to Input
Data Types: single
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
&src — Address of input data for copy operation
scalar | vector
The memory address of source data for the copy operation, specified as a scalar or vector.
Port Dependencies
To use this port as the source for the memory copy operation, set
parameter Copy from to Specified
and Specify address source to
Input port
. The Copy Memory block converts
input port src
to &src
Data Types: single
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
src ofs — Offset for data read during copy operation
scalar | vector
Offset to use for data read during the copy operation, specified as a scalar or vector.
Port Dependencies
To create this port, select parameter Use offset when
reading and set Specify offset source to
Input port
Data Types: single
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
&dst — Address of output data for copy operation
scalar | vector
The memory address to use as the data destination for the copy operation, specified as a scalar or vector.
Port Dependencies
To use this port as the destination for the memory copy operation, set
parameter Copy to to Specified
and Specify address source to
Input port
. The Copy Memory block converts
output port dst
to input port
Data Types: single
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
dst ofs — Offset for data written during copy operation
scalar | vector
Offset to use for data write during the copy operation, specified as a scalar or vector.
Port Dependencies
To create this port, select parameter Use offset when
writing and set Specify offset source to
Input port
Data Types: single
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
dst — Output data for copy operation
scalar | vector
The data copied, specified as a scalar or vector.
Port Dependencies
To use this port as the destination for the memory copy operation, set
parameter Copy to to Output
Data Types: single
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
Specify the source sequential memory location for the copy operation. Specify the data type, size, and other attributes of the source variable.
Copy from — Input source for copy operation
Input port (default) | Specified address | Specified source code symbol
Specify the input source for the data read part of the copy operation. Choose from the sources listed in this table.
Source of Data Read | Parameter Value to Specify |
src input port |
Input port
Memory address |
Specified address
Symbol (variable) in source code lookup table |
Specified source code symbol
Parameter Dependencies
If you select
Specified address
, use Specify address source to specify the source of the memory address and Address to specify the address.If you select
Specified source code symbol
, use Source code symbol to specify the symbol (variable) in the source code symbol table to copy.If you select
Specified address
orSpecified source code symbol
, change Data type to a value other thanInherit from source
(the default). If you do not make this change, you receive an error message indicating that the data type cannot be inherited because the input port does not exist.
Specify address source — Source of memory address for input data
Specify via dialog (default) | Input port
Specify the source of the memory address of the input source for the copy
operation. To specify a memory address for the source variable, select
Specify via dialog
. That selection enables an
Address parameter that you use to specify the memory
To specify that the block get the address from the input port, select
Input port
. When you select Input
, the block input port label changes to
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, set Copy from to
Specified address
.If you select
Specify via dialog
, this parameter enables the Address parameter, which you use to specify the address of the source variable.If you select
Specify via dialog
, set Data type to a value other thanInherit from source
(the default). If you do not make this change, you receive an error message indicating that the data type cannot be inherited because the input port does not exist.If you select
Inport port
, specify a data type for the Data type parameter.
Address — Memory address of source data
hex2dec('00001000') (default) | memory address in decimal or hexadecimal form with a conversion to
Specify the memory address of the source data in decimal form or in
hexadecimal form with a conversion to decimal as shown by the default value
This example converts Ox1000
to decimal form.
4096 = hex2dec('1000');
For this example, you can specify the address as 4096
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, set Copy from to
Specified address
and Specify
address source to Specify via
Source code symbol — Symbol in source code symbol table
myVariableSrc (default) | string | character vector
Specify the symbol (variable) in the source code symbol table to copy. The symbol that you specify must exist in the symbol table for your program. The block does not verify whether the symbol exists in the symbol table and whether you specify the symbol with valid syntax. Enter text that specifies the symbol exactly as it appears in your code.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, set Copy from to
Specified source code symbol
.Set Data type to a value other than
Inherit from source
(the default). If you do not make this change, you receive an error message indicating that the data type cannot be inherited because the input port does not exist.
Data type — Data type of data being copied
uint8 (default) | double | single | int8 | int16 | uint16 | int32 | uint32 | int64 | uint64 | boolean | Inherit from input port
Specify the data type of the source data being copied. To inherit the data
type from the src
input port, select Inherit from
input port
Data length — Number of data elements to copy
1 (default) | positive integer
Specify the number of elements to copy from the source location. Each element has the data type specified by the Data type parameter.
Use offset when reading — Use offset when reading input
off (default) | on
Specify whether the block uses an offset when reading input. The offset value is in elements of the specified data type. Specify the source of the offset by using the Specify offset source parameter.
Parameter Dependencies
If you select this parameter, use Specify offset source to specify the source of the offset.
Use Offset to specify the offset value.
Specify offset source — Source of input offset
Specify via dialog (default) | Input port
Specify the source of the input offset for the copy operation. To specify an
offset value, select Specify via dialog
. That
selection enables an Offset parameter that you use to
specify the offset value.
To specify for the block to get the offset from an input port, select
Input port
. When you select Input
, the block creates an input port labeled src
and reads the offset value from that port. The src
port enables your program to change the offset dynamically
during program execution.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Use offset when reading.
Offset — Number of values to skip before copying first value to destination
0 (default) | positive integer
Before copying the first value to the destination, specify the number of values to skip.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Use offset when
reading and set Specify offset source to
Specify via dialog
Stride — Spacing for reading input
1 (default) | positive integer
Specify the spacing for reading the input. By default, the stride value is one, meaning that the generated code reads the input data sequentially. When you add a stride value that is not equal to one, when reading input data, the generated code skips spaces in the source address equal to the stride.
These figures show the stride concept. In the first figure, data is copied without a stride. The second figure shows the results of a stride value of two. You can specify a stride value for the block output with parameter Stride on the Destination tab. You can also compare stride with the offset to see the differences.
Specify the destination memory location for the copy operation. Specify the attributes of the destination.
Copy to — Type of output destination for copy operation
Output port (default) | Specified address | Specified destination code symbol
Specify the type of output destination for the copy operation. Select one of the values listed in this table.
Parameter Value | Destination of Data Write |
Output port
| Block dst output port |
Specified address
| Memory location specified by parameters Specify address destination and Address |
Specified source code symbol
| Symbol (variable) specified by parameter Source code symbol |
Parameter Dependencies
If you select
Specified address
, use Specify address destination to specify the destination memory location.If you select
Specified source code symbol
, use Destination code symbol to specify the symbol (variable) in the source code symbol table to which to copy the variable.
Specify address source — Source of memory address for output destination
Specify via dialog (default) | Input port |
Specify the source of the destination memory address of the variable for the
copy operation. To specify a memory address for the variable, select
Specify via dialog
. That selection enables an
Address parameter that you use to specify the memory
address. To specify that the block get the address from an input port, select
Input port
. When you select Input
, the block creates an input port labeled
. Changing the address dynamically means that you
can use the block to copy different variables by providing the variable address
from an upstream block in the model.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, set Copy to to
Specified address
.If you select
Specify via dialog
, this parameter enables the Address parameter, which you use to specify the address of the destination variable.
Address — Memory address of destination variable
hex2dec('00002000') (default) | memory address in decimal or hexadecimal form with a conversion to
Specify the memory address of the destination variable in decimal form or in
hexadecimal form with a conversion to decimal as shown by the default value
This example converts Ox2000
to decimal form.
8192 = hex2dec('2000');
For this example, you can specify the address as 8192
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, set Copy to to
Specified address
and Specify address
source to Specify via
Source code symbol — Symbol in source code symbol table
myVariableDst (default) | string | character vector
Specify the symbol (variable) in the source code symbol table to which to copy the variable. The symbol that you specify, must exist in the symbol table for your program. The block does not verify whether the symbol exists in the symbol table and whether you specify the symbol with valid syntax. Enter text that specifies the symbol exactly as it appears in your code.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, set Copy to to
Specified source code symbol
Data type — Data type of variable
uint32 (default) | double | single | int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | uint32 | int64 | uint64 | boolean | Inherit from source
Specify the data type of the source variable. To inherit the data type from
the source variable, select Inherit from source
Use offset when writing — Use offset when writing output
off (default) | on
Specify whether the block uses an offset when writing output. The offset value is in elements of the specified data type. Specify the source of the offset by using the Specify offset source parameter.
Parameter Dependencies
If you select this parameter, use Specify offset source to specify the source of the offset. Use Offset to specify the offset value.
Specify offset source — Source of offset for output destination
Specify constant value (default) | Specify source code symbol
Specify the source of the offset for the output destination for the copy
operation. To specify an offset value for the destination variable, select
Specify via dialog
. That selection enables an
Offset parameter that you use to specify the offset
To specify that the block get the offset from the input port, select
Input port
. When you select Input
, the block adds an input port labeled dst
and reads the offset value from that port. The dst
port enables your program to change the offset dynamically
during execution.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Specify offset source.
Offset — Number of values to skip before writing first value to destination
0 (default) | positive integer
Before writing the first value to the destination, specify the number of values to skip.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Use offset when
writing and set Specify offset source to
Specify via dialog
Stride — Spacing for writing output
1 (default) | positive integer
Specify the spacing for writing the output. By default, the stride value is one meaning that the generated code writes the input data sequentially to the destination in consecutive locations. When you add a stride value that is not equal to one, when writing input data, the generated code skips spaces in the destination address equal to the stride.
This figure shows a stride value of three applied to writing the input to an output location. You can specify a stride value for the input with parameter Stride on the Source pane. As shown in the figure, you can use an input stride and an output stride at the same time to enable manipulating memory more fully.
Sample time — Rate of memory copy
inf (default) | scalar
Specify the rate at which the memory copy operation occurs in seconds. To
use a constant sample time, specify Inf
. To inherit the
sample time from the input port or, when the block does not have an input port,
from the Simulink® model, specify -1
Configure parameters that control the copy process.
Set memory value at initialization — Set memory address during initialization
off (default) | on
Specify whether to initialize the memory address to a specific value during program initialization.
Parameter Dependencies
If you select this parameter, use a combination of parameters to configure the initialization value.
What to Configure | Parameter |
Source of the initialization value | Specify initialization value source |
Initialization value as a constant | Initialization value (constant) |
Initialization value as a variable | Initialization value (source code symbol) |
Initialization value as a mask to manipulate register contents at the bit level | Apply initialization value as mask |
Apply a mask value | Bitwise operator |
Specify initialization value source — Source of initialization value
Specify constant value (default) | Specify source code symbol
Specify the source of the initial value. To configure the source for
initializing memory as a specific value, select Specify constant
. To configure the source as a variable (a symbol),
select Specify source code symbol
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Set memory value at initialization.
Use Initialization value (constant) or Initialization value (source code symbol) to specify the initial value.
Initialization value (constant) — Constant initialization value
1 (default) | scalar
Specify a constant value.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Set memory value at
initialization and set Set initialization value
source to Specify constant
Initialization value (source code symbol) — Symbol in source code symbol table
myInitValueVariable (default) | string | character vector
Specify the symbol (variable) in the source code symbol table to use for the initialization value. The symbol that you specify must exist in the symbol table for your program. The block does not verify whether the symbol exists in the symbol table and whether you specify the symbol with valid syntax. Enter text that specifies the symbol exactly as it appears in your code.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Set memory value at
initialization and set Set initialization value
source to Specify source code
Apply initialization value as mask — Apply initialization value as mask
off (default) | on
Specify whether to use the initialization value as a mask to manipulate register content at the bit level. Your initialization value is treated as a string of bits for the mask.
To define how to apply the mask value, specify a value for the Bitwise operator parameter.
To use your initialization value as a mask, the output from the copy must be a specific address. The output:
Can be a symbol
Cannot be an output port
Parameter Dependencies
If you select this parameter, use Bitwise operator to define how to apply the mask value.
Bitwise operator — Type of bitwise operation
bitwise AND (default) | bitwise OR | bitwise exclusive OR | left shift | right shift
Specify the type of bitwise operation to use as a mask to manipulate the memory value. Applying a mask to the copy process means that you can select individual bits in the result. For example, by applying a mask, you can read the value of the fifth bit.
Select one of the bitwise operations in this table.
Bitwise Operation | Description |
| Apply the mask value as a bitwise AND to the value in the register. |
| Apply the mask value as a bitwise OR to the value in the register. |
| Apply the mask value as a bitwise exclusive OR to the value in the register. |
| Shift the bits in the register left by the number of bits represented by the initialization value. For example, if your initialization value is 3, the block shifts the register value to the left 3 bits. In this case, the value must be a positive integer. |
| Shift the bits in the register to the right by the number of bits represented by the initialization value. For example, if your initialization value is 6, the block shifts the register value to the right 6 bits. In this case, the value must be a positive integer. |
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Apply initialization value as mask.
Set memory value at termination — Copy memory during program termination
off (default) | on
Specify that your program copy memory during program termination. Copying a value in memory during termination occurs in addition to a copy during program initialization.
Parameter Dependencies
If you select this parameter, you can use Set memory value only at initialization/termination to limit copy operations to occur during program initialization and termination only.
Termination value — Termination value
1 (default) | scalar | vector | matrix
Specify a value to write to memory during program termination.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Set memory value at termination.
Set memory value only at initialization/termination — Copy memory value during program initialization and termination only
off (default) | on
Specify whether to perform copies during program initialization and termination only. When this parameter is cleared, the block performs copies during initialization, real-time operations, and termination. If you select this parameter, the block performs copies during initialization and termination only.
Insert custom code before memory write — Insert custom code before memory write
off (default) | on
Specify whether the code generator inserts custom ANSI C code immediately before the program writes to the specified memory location. You can use this parameter and Insert custom code after memory write to lock and unlock registers before and after accessing them. For example, some processors have registers that you might need to unlock and lock with EALLOW and EDIS macros before and after your program accesses them.
Parameter Dependencies
If you select this parameter, use Custom code to specify the custom ANSI C code to insert into the generated code immediately before the memory write operation.
Insert custom code after memory write — Custom code after memory write flag
off (default) | on
Specify whether the code generator inserts custom ANSI C code immediately after the program writes to the specified memory location. You can the Insert custom code before memory write and this parameter to lock and unlock registers before and after accessing them. For example, some processors have registers that you might need to unlock and lock with EALLOW and EDIS macros before and after your program accesses them.
Parameter Dependencies
If you select this parameter, use Custom code to specify the custom ANSI C code to insert into the generated code immediately after the memory write operation.
Custom code —
/* Custom Code Before Write*/ or /* Custom Code After
Write*/ (default) | string | character vector
Specify custom ANSI C code to insert into the generated code immediately before or immediately after the memory write operation. Code that you specify appears in the generated code exactly as you enter it.
Parameter Dependencies
To enable this parameter, select Insert custom code before memory write or Insert custom code after memory write.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.
Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.
Version History
Introduced in R2024a
See Also
Memory Allocate (Embedded Coder)
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